by Catfish3
Custom allocator for std::map
[13 replies] Last: How do we know that Catfish's allocator is not a special case? We do... (by closed account zb0S216C)
How to prompt user input only letters(a-z)? |
[3 replies] Last: same idea. Read the whole line in as a string and verify it is what y... (by Disch)
by Tom Yothers
Error Code Design
[4 replies] Last: I have, but an event system would also be monumental because I would n... (by Tom Yothers)
by kelvin516
cout total element in array
[6 replies] Last: Thx for all the reply. I very appreciate this. (by kelvin516)
by ramsavi
problem in using gdb
[7 replies] Last: On Linux you can use DDD (data display debugger), a frontend for gdb: ... (by closed account D4S8vCM9)
by Steve02
Parse long date/time to HH:MM
[1 reply] : You could use a regex expression to extract what you want from the ini... (by ajh32)
by dekeenfrance
How to boost up execution?
[2 replies] Last: Well, that's really hard to say then without the code. The problem is ... (by KRAkatau)
by toomanystars
Issues with vector, inheritance, returning constructor
[4 replies] Last: Thanks for the help guys. In the end I just ended up using pointers wh... (by toomanystars)
by ramsavi
Help needed.
[3 replies] Last: i have no any Idea because i need also.... (by Blanchejem)
by thethreat
Print the name of the student with the Highest GPA along with the GPA
[no replies]
Calculating the maximum and minimum time needed to run a program |
[1 reply] : Suggest you place your code in b/n code tags to make it easier to read... (by buffbill)
by pwd
Obtaining a mean, while sentinel is 0
[3 replies] Last: I think if you just make max and min = price above the loop it should ... (by buffbill)
by Skraiten
OpenGL 2.1
[no replies]
by crimsonzero2
runge-kutta with 2d kinematics
[1 reply] : It was a simple radian-degree error. Here is the code: #include <i... (by crimsonzero2)
by camarowheels
Decode / Code a simple cipher
[1 reply] : why is this in general c++ and not the lounge? also, a code doesn't ne... (by closed account Dy7SLyTq)
by incognitocpp
How do I print out a square of stars with different length and width given?
[5 replies] Last: got it :D (by incognitocpp)
by njabbour
Does anyone know what I am doing wrong
[1 reply] : Well, you aren't doing anything that the comments say you should be do... (by firedraco)
Affine Encoding Problem |
[4 replies] Last: I mis-understood the formula for decoding. So now it's fixed and I ass... (by OregonState1979)