by bujiko
Help with popping stack of pointers
[10 replies] Last: I've been thinking about what you are attempting to do here. I don't ... (by ajh32)
by rian
Factory Design
[1 reply] : You *might* be able to do it with calling a function by initializing a... (by LB)
Control usb ports |
[1 reply] : you dont. usbmounter does (by closed account Dy7SLyTq)
Using new and delete |
[14 replies] Last: In order to avoid code to handle the special case where hobby is nul... (by cire)
fmod commond |
[7 replies] Last: thanks for ur responds. (by Kamaladin Saqar)
by revals
[3 replies] Last: int main() { double average(0), max(0), min(9000); int maxnum... (by MiiNiPaa)
by agoswami
inotify_init() Function Falied
[no replies]
by epoon317
C++ Programming Help!
[1 reply] : There is unfinished programm operating with Harry Potter world currenc... (by MiiNiPaa)
by scooke
[1 reply] : it works fine but have you tried the full path? ShellExecute(NULL, ... (by joneele)
by tummytums
I need help. Easy question.
[1 reply] : Rand() and while loops (by closed account Dy7SLyTq)
by sandy2511
How to change the height and width of a png image dynamically using vc++?
[no replies]
Storing Integers at odd and even indexes in array |
[2 replies] Last: 1)Set up an array with 20 elements and initialize all elements to 0 2)... (by buffbill)
by Jayhawker07
Trig work in c++
[3 replies] Last: Sounds like one of your axis might be inverted. Try negating the Z ax... (by Disch)
by neilyoooo2
Dark GDK and Visual C++ 2008 Express Problems: Cant hit breakpoints
[no replies]
by ecclesj12
Error: invalid conversion from char to const char. Please help
[2 replies] Last: Sorry I'm fairly new so I've heard of them but I'm not too familiar wi... (by ecclesj12)
by roger911
Automated controls
[no replies]
by CppCoder101
C++ Developer App for iOS with input?
[3 replies] Last: For ios there arent very many good options from what ive seen. I would... (by K0T4K0t4)
by theunknown
Reading words from a file
[3 replies] Last: I'm using this code to extract words from a file. The program works bu... (by theunknown)
by jjroyale
Why does this stack of integers not work.
[3 replies] Last: there are a several issues with the code but for your question as to w... (by K0T4K0t4)
Tripple pointer. Passing pointers by reference to function. |
[3 replies] Last: In order to pass a pointer by reference we must have to pass its addr... (by Cubbi)