by cppct
Synchronization Objects
[1 reply] : (by kbw)
by CoolTech
Server Socket Program
[1 reply] : Sounds like homework. (by kbw)
by Althezel
Vectors of vectors of objects
[10 replies] Last: @hanst99 They (ideone) updated the compiler to gcc-4.7.2 (by naraku9333)
MVS AntiVirus Issues and More |
[5 replies] Last: Could you link to some of this "talk"? (by LB)
by kika19932
x and o symbol generation
[1 reply] : Why do you need a random symbol for that? Why can't you just use rand... (by MrHutch)
by vickyp
Functions of type vector<double>
[1 reply] : C++ compilers don't do look-ahead. All identifiers must be declared b... (by hanst99)
by elohssa
Using boost with qt
[2 replies] Last: I do. I've got it working fine with other IDEs. (by elohssa)
by Clavas
Best way to compress a 2 way sideway scrolling shooter.
[2 replies] Last: Well it was just a general question on one of my homework assignments. (by Clavas)
by tag104367
ERROR MESSAGE: Access violation reading location 0xccccccc8.
[4 replies] Last: Wow i am so dumb. haha by changing the Person * crew = new [planeTyp... (by tag104367)
by CppCoder101
Trying to make a perimeter calculator!
[4 replies] Last: Oh. Thanks for the help! =) EDIT: For an area calculator would I do t... (by CppCoder101)
Wheres the best location in cpp file or hpp file for a namespace declaration? |
[4 replies] Last: Awesome Thank You! :D , Header files always mostly for namespace decla... (by Noobscratcher)
by Veltas
BigInt class
[5 replies] Last: It comes with examples. Though you should also check out Boost as Cubb... (by LB)
by mtalhajamil
Problem in filling int array using binary file
[5 replies] Last: Thank You Very Much :) (by mtalhajamil)
by flyingcrap
C++ Program Help
[3 replies] Last: One issue is that you seem to have a return statement in your NumberSp... (by jlb)
by activecat
Many smaller files make it run much faster?
[5 replies] Last: I have seen significantly different speed executables generated depend... (by mik2718)
by dekeenfrance
change _cdecl for Win32 switch to x64
[14 replies] Last: Oh, it's ok, no harm. I already have checked about building boost 1.... (by dekeenfrance)
by CppCoder101
Could someone explain pointers please?
[3 replies] Last: [quote=CppCoder101]So basically, with health2 pointing to the memory a... (by LB)
by yfactor
Clearing Screen
[7 replies] Last: When I used system("cls"); it did not work, however when I added #i... (by yfactor)
by pieman125
Do-While Loop Error
[2 replies] Last: Line 26: while ((DAY1 < 1) && (DAY1 > 7)) A number can't be less tha... (by Branflakes91093)
by Yash Raj
Print score in SDL with opengl using ostream??
[1 reply] : std::ostringstream ss; ss << "Time: " << time; std::string timer = ss... (by LB)