General C++ Programming - July 2018 (Page 8)

by tpb
displaying the input
Don't bother helping this idiot. He just deletes his questions afterwards. Scumbag.
[3 replies] Last: Looks like the OP - or someone else - deleted all their posts, as I ju... (by MikeyBoy)
by zesan
How to delete a previous post?
Guys I am asked to remove a post from this forum due to data protection what I posted in January 2018 but I am not able to do it any help, please?
[1 reply] : There's a "contact us" link at the bottom of every page that you can u... (by helios)
Effecient Storing of Information in Files
I am coding a tower defense game with SFML and for the tower upgrades I think I'm going to have a bunch of arrays and whatnot to hold all of the upgrade informa...
[3 replies] Last: I realize it's a bit of a pointless question but anyway, I don't know ... (by dudeawsomeness1)
problem with integrate sapi in codeblocks ?
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <ctime> #include <sapi.h> using namespace std; //type something in to have it spoken! //enter quit to exit int...
[6 replies] Last: thanks guys... i have finally known the circumstance...because the se... (by phongvants123)
C++ constants and boundaries problem. Can't exclude negative numbers.
This is my assignment. Phase 2: Modify your program so that, in addition to the report that the program currently produces, it also gives the average age of t...
[3 replies] Last: int youngest = 0 ... if (num < youngest) youngest = num; num will nev... (by dudeawsomeness1)
Is it a good idea to code a Game Engine with C in 2018
Yes I know, creating a game engine with c++ for someone learning c/c++ is not the best idea but, what about creating a game engine with C? Why? because I love C...
[4 replies] Last: I will say, there are successful indy developers that work solo or in ... (by Ganado)
by jonnin
loop the menu automatically
the pattern for what you ask looks like this: do { get user input perform action(s) on user input if not the quit action (just do nothing for that) //the...
[4 replies] Last: Are you sure you haven't learned about functions and arrays? This is s... (by dhayden)
conversion const char* to int
What do you think the following line is doing? first1 == "||:::" ; What type is first1 ? What type is "||:::" ? What does the == operator do?...
[3 replies] Last: Please DON'T delete your question after you've gotten an answer. It m... (by MikeyBoy)
by Borneq
How to seek in readed streams?
If I read whole std::istream, I can't do seekg and read again. Are any C++ alternatives to std::istream?
[1 reply] : Call clear() once you get to the end of the stream. (by helios)
How to determine if libary C or C++
Hi, I am tying write a program in visual studio 2017. But sometimes c and c++ libarys get mixed and creating a diaster. is there an option in visual studio for ...
[12 replies] Last: Thank you all so much (by closed account DEhqDjzh)
Already defined in login.obj
I am trying to create a porgram that have all the global variables in OS.h but it gives this error: SLNK2005 "int userid" (?userid@@3HA) already defined in lo...
[4 replies] Last: If you define a global variable in a header file, it will be defined ... (by MikeyBoy)
Chef and Triangles debugging
I am a beginner in C++ programming language. I have written a code and i'm getting a runtime error with the following error code: SIGTSTP I have no clue what t...
[8 replies] Last: ah, another one. I stand corrected, thanks! (by jonnin)
How to Search for a folder with std::filesystem
Hello I want to create a program that will search for a folder in the folder that exe is running. If here is a folder called user it will search for a file call...
[4 replies] Last: right, that program expects you ran it directly, not through IDE or wi... (by Cubbi)
Arrays as Parameters
Hi all I'm writing a program trying to learn arrays as parameters. i get the syntax error 'undefined reference to swap(int&, int&)' Here is my code below, ...
[2 replies] Last: Firstly, you aren't using arrays, so the title of the thread is rather... (by lastchance)
defections and rules of word “program”
Oxford Dictionary: software 1 the programs and other operating information used by a computer. 2. pro...
[no replies]
Hash_map implementation
I need a hash_map API in which a unique number will be the key, FOUR values, a boost::gregorian_date,and three double values will be maped under the unique numb...
[1 reply] : The stdlib's hash map container is named std::unordered_map . Map th... (by mbozzi)
by BKn
Arranging output by comparing with inputs
Hi guys, I am learning C++. I have two datasets like below: set1: 57.5276, 55.3756, 24.2798, 54.5989 and set2: 55.1118, 5...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks...This works nicely (by BKn)
by ahsaas
Class and relationshio
Assume we need to drive a Robotic Arm that is made up of following components. 1) Arm moves in only one direction 2) The movement of the arm is carried ou...
[no replies]
by ahsaas
Abstract OS class
For an assignment I need to design NetworkConfigApplication for an embedded device using abstract the OS dependent APIs that can have Ethernet or Wireless or bo...
[no replies]
Help in c++ Program begginer
Hi, I'm having a problem solving this program --> ""Consider a company with two stores in relation to which it is intended to record the sales of the first thre...
[3 replies] Last: @Unknown1234 You're very welcome. Glad it's working. I don't what yo... (by whitenite1)
July 2018 Pages: 1... 6789
  Archived months: [jun2018] [aug2018]

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