indirectly_readable is false for std::optional??
[1 reply] : The resulting value when applying the operator* is the same reference... (by mbozzi)
by malibor
TEXT like behavior of the function?
[5 replies] Last: Awesome solution and no performance penalty, I like it! Macros again s... (by malibor)
trick with type_identity_t
[2 replies] Last: type_identity_t<To > is used here to satisfy an arbitrary restrictio... (by mbozzi)
std::compare_three_way not compiling
[6 replies] Last: cppreference has excellent examples on how to use C++ stdlib functiona... (by George PlusPlus)
by a7300235
(c++ stl thread) what happen when constructing threads without join() or detach()?
[3 replies] Last: Please do not post the same question in multiple forums. https://cplus... (by AbstractionAnon)
by malibor
Conditionally use function with templates
[5 replies] Last: template < std::ranges::input_range STR > requires requires { int... (by JLBorges)
by malibor
Internal compiler error MSVC
[3 replies] Last: It's the latest compiler version and I was compiling with std:c++20 G... (by malibor)
by malibor
What is the "z" prefix in string literals?
[3 replies] Last: lol, silly me... Now that you said that it actually makes sense. (by malibor)
by malibor
Can UTF-16 file be BOM-less?
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, I see, therefore it's possible for UTF-16 file be without BOM.... (by malibor)
by malibor
regex_search icase
[7 replies] Last: The expensive part of constructing a typical regex is probably the pro... (by mbozzi)
by Hawlong
convert string to hex
[11 replies] Last: thanks so much Ganado , Working good Thanks for the notes jonnin ... (by Hawlong)
by Bengbers
Different behavior in Debugger or normal application
[3 replies] Last: It took 15 minutes to install valgrind and receive the following: ==1... (by Bengbers)
by Hawlong
how can replace and add to array
[6 replies] Last: Thanks so much seeplus , solved (by Hawlong)
by Mobo01
KMP algorithm's time complexity
[4 replies] Last: [quote=seeplus]As for once I'm feeling in a goof mood.. Typo?? Eithe... (by George PlusPlus)
by malibor
regex_match issue
[no replies]
by Zaneemma
File manager
[3 replies] Last: @zaneemma - What is your knowledge of C++? Do you know about std::file... (by seeplus)
by PeteDD
Link-time undefined reference to a class object (revisiting...)
[7 replies] Last: You could make myADC a pointer Or a function-local static variable (... (by mbozzi)
by LukeProducts
Neural Network does not work the right way
[7 replies] Last: Hey, this is a C++ forum, not a BASIC forum! :) (by Ganado)
by Duthomhas
vcpkg + Boost + ICU + Windows 10
[12 replies] Last: The amusing part of this discussion about vcpkg is I have (for me) a n... (by George PlusPlus)