by nwilli9
Dynamically Allocated Array Issue
[2 replies] Last: Peter87 yeah I ended up figuring almost everything out last night. I j... (by nwilli9)
by AlexCantor
Parallel Technical Standard
[10 replies] Last: Thanks for the information about MS VC++ 15.6. (by AlexCantor)
seekg or seekp |
[3 replies] Last: I can't really say for sure without the code which actually writes the... (by mbozzi)
by dean
Why doesn't Return Value Optimisation (RVO) break the function calling convention?
[5 replies] Last: I think I now understand your point. That would be like a compiler imp... (by dean)
by Cambalinho
Visual Studio 2017: how i add a persistence directories?
[7 replies] Last: if i did wrong, i can reinstall it or maybe reset all options ;) (by Cambalinho)
by Tiamothy
how to read a txt file and store it into an array without numbers and punctuation?
[1 reply] : Duplicate of (by JLBorges)
by ggrules
User Defined Array size
[7 replies] Last: Selection sort is the most natural of all sorting algorithms — it is... (by Duthomhas)
by bsjkb
C++ function refactoring help
[2 replies] Last: it is difficult to have an array of bits. Most systems can't handle b... (by jonnin)
by stav
(dis)advantages of include "" ?
[1 reply] : The only difference is where the compiler looks for files first. #inc... (by Duthomhas)
by afedorov
Linking error
[16 replies] Last: Is it bad? No. do people do stuff like that in C++? Yes There's al... (by kbw)
by kSzabo99
using a function to add or subtract values in an array
[1 reply] : void add2arr(int value, int* ip, int index) { ip += value; } //... (by jonnin)
by ReaperSoul
function pointer error
[2 replies] Last: Thanks I'll try it see what happens (by ReaperSoul)
by kSzabo99
How to Align Numbers
[8 replies] Last: Thank you both for the help i sincerely appreciate it, but yes Thomas1... (by kSzabo99)
by ReaperSoul
function that takes type function
[7 replies] Last: [quote=ReaperSoul]if anyone could give me an example for what im tryin... (by lastchance)
by solitudetree
return value type does not match the function type
[7 replies] Last: That worked! Thanks! (by solitudetree)
Doubts about classes |
[4 replies] Last: Please, could you help me with the problem? Do you have a question m... (by cire)
by Mar1990
Problem on using file data in the main ! Thanks
[no replies]
by slei
static member variables and inheritance
[6 replies] Last: (by slei)
by SSteven
Error while parsing USD and $ amounts using money_get<>
[5 replies] Last: There is a better way to terminate the loop when reading money amounts... (by SSteven)
by shekharsahoo
Is there any thing wrong in this vector code ?
[1 reply] : Your imminent problem is that your code essentially does: Foo* foo = ... (by keskiverto)