General C++ Programming - January 2016 (Page 8)

by Mau547
How to make a hero go up along with the elevator
So I understand how to make an elevator go up to a specific floor, but I can't seem to make the hero go up along with the elevator to the specific floor. Ple...
[4 replies] Last: void moveelevator(char X , int RH,int CH, int &Ed, int &Eu) { if(RH+... (by Mau547)
if i have a constructor like Attraction(int id,string name,int typeID):id(id),name(name),typeID(typeID){} //this is with the member list initialization do i ...
[14 replies] Last: @MikeyBoy Maybe that has been his plan all along, considering the titl... (by TarikNeaj)
by mbniko
Binary Multiplication Using A Bool Vector
How exactly would I create a function to multiply 2 vectors of bools? If possible by overloading the *= operator. A point in the right direction would even help...
[1 reply] : You'll need to be able to add numbers first, so start by writing code ... (by dhayden)
The Next Step
I started learning c++ because I wanted to be able to create video games that did not require any programs but a base operating system to run. I have now finish...
[3 replies] Last: That's kind of a loaded question, and I'd bet if you asked a bunch of ... (by mgoetschius)
Help with file stream I/O in Visual Studio
I'm sure this is a very simple problem, but I don't understand C++ file stream I/O. I'm not grasping the theory behind how I/O is structured, or how it works. ...
[2 replies] Last: A header file is a file of extension '.h'. Header files are used for d... (by Stalker)
by mbniko
Binary Addition using a bool vector
So I'm using a bool vector to store binary numbers, and I'm trying to perform operations on the vectors. Currently, my addition operator doesn't seem to be doin...
[1 reply] : You have to add a bit once per loop, in your code it can add it twice.... (by goosestuf)
by Kubani
Derived Classes
Hi guys, The following code is a small part of a program I want to write. I face an error saying: identifier "_n" is undefined . But I have defined it in D(i...
[16 replies] Last: @Kubani Stuff like: Do you want to help me? and: I would think i... (by MikeyBoy)
Need help with operator+ !!
int operator+ function returns an address i think, anybody knows why? I need to add two objects and return int. Here is the code #include <iostream> ...
[6 replies] Last: You can Google these things :+) (by TarikNeaj)
Problem with dynamic array class
I don't know what the problem is, but my code is not working for some reason. Anybody sees where the problem is? I just want to make an dynamic array and th...
[3 replies] Last: Yes, you need to delete it, otherwise you'll have a memory leak. Note... (by Peter87)
Help installing FLTK...
I've referred to the main website, youtube, and Google and I can't find any source that will help me install FLTK with VS2015. Anyone out there who can help me?...
[no replies]
by c00012
how to convert std::chromo::time_point to sting
Hello guys, I want to convert std::chrono::time_point to string like this: "201601181150" I tried to do this but everything i'd tried didn't work. if you adv...
[1 reply] : You can convert the time_point into a time_t then use one of the ctime... (by jlb)
Trouble displaying a Multiplicaiton Table in c++
I'm having trouble generating a two dimensional array as a multiplication table. Any help would be greatly appreciated. #include <iostream> # includ...
[4 replies] Last: [quote=Kmscott09]The table doesn't display properly. Look at where yo... (by MikeyBoy)
2D compilation error - Advise me how to input char data into this vector.
Hello programmers. I am stuck in this and am unable to proceed. Kindly advise how to to implement the areas i have cited in the comments in the program belo...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks soo much JLBorges. I am now working on outputting this data to... (by Mwangi Elijah)
How to use g++ command line to compile this?
I got two folders ./Library ./Codes/src The main.cpp file and many other cpp or header files exist in ./Codes/src folder. ./Library is the folder which shoul...
[no replies]
Need your help..
[5 replies] Last: How have I misunderstood you? You want someone to write code for him ... (by MikeyBoy)
Function will not calculate the correct average? (2D Arrays/Functions)
I suck pretty bad with functions and 2D arrays. I am having a very hard time getting the program to execute the correct average for me. Any advice? Am I calling...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much Moschops! And I'm sorry...I knew I was supposed to d... (by roomitchell14)
Linked list traversal issues
Hello guys thanks for taking a second to look at this. I'm having a problem traversing a linked list: This is the function: void ContactList::displayList()...
[1 reply] : Are you sure traveler_ptr->Next() is returning 0 for the final node?... (by MikeyBoy)
The most efficient way to find a string in a text file
Hi All I just create a little program for myself to do some tedious work, finding a particular string in a text file. The program is done, basically it r...
[9 replies] Last: This may have more to do with file buffering than with search algorith... (by dhayden)
Whenever you open code::blocks and choose create a new project i've always used console application, does anyone know what the other projects are used for like:...
[1 reply] : Some of them are for different languages. ARM is assembly language, an... (by Yanson)
January 2016 Pages: 1... 678910... 18
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