General C++ Programming - January 2016 (Page 15)

by Gyiove
What is reference exactly?
Hello everyone! I think I know how references work all tho i have rarely used due the uncertainty. They can not be null like pointers and always have to b...
[3 replies] Last: in simple terms, a reference is just another name for an existing vari... (by codekiddy)
Have Loop Running and Receiving User Input
Hello, I have been programming in C++ for about 3 weeks now, and I have an idea for a project but I have come to a halt. I would like to know if it possible to ...
[2 replies] Last: The code from above should work out, just try to avoid using goto! Got... (by HalfNOoB)
Socket hash data
Hi guys, how can i send hashed data to socket and when socket receive it to dehash it and use it for something? Please give me example or tutorial
[2 replies] Last: Okay, acutally i made it. i used socket to send random numbers to pro... (by Vuzee01)
by Azee
file reading help
# user 1 1011 user1 #prints 1 D_1 10 1 3 D_2 3 2 ## # user 2 1012 user2 #prints 5 D_4 5 3 4 D_5 2 2 ## # user 3 1013 user3 #prints 2 D_11 4 4...
[1 reply] : (by TarikNeaj)
optimising my code problem
i want to find the sum of the following series. 1*2 + 1*3 + 1*4 + 1*5 ..... 1*n + 2*3 + 2*4 + 2*5 + 2*6 + ....2*n + 3*4 + 3*5 + 3*6 + 3*7 +.....3*n + .... .. ....
[18 replies] Last: Another idea would be the combination of formula and loop: 1+2+3+4+5.... (by coder777)
Why use a stringstream when you can use string.append?
So far, I've identified two uses, thanks to someone else: -Unit tests -Conversions to/from strings.
[3 replies] Last: string interface is not the same as stringstream interface. one has m... (by codekiddy)
SFML C++ question
hey im building a game in sfml/c++ im trying to make void that draws circle in 4 parts example of a box in 4 parts: 1. | 2. |_ 3. |_| 4. __ |_| this is my...
[5 replies] Last: Sorry for the late response. For controlling how it is drawn, you ca... (by Austin J)
by ebc
help !!!
I have added code formatting to my program to make it easier to read. Can anyone please help. I can not figure it out! I am unable to enter the names of th...
[4 replies] Last: //this stops characters such as newline if the end-of-file is reached... (by pnoid)
by Xriuk
Multiple inheritation constructor initialization
I'm studying C++, and I came to virtual inheritance and derived class initialization. So I have something like this: class A{} class B : virtual public A{} cla...
[5 replies] Last: both are initialized directly by the most derived class (depth-first o... (by Cubbi)
Some Problem in my program of calculating Tables of a number using functions.
Hi, there is a problem in the program, apparently it only gives me tab*1 = value , while I want table value upto 10, please help what I got wrong with the prog...
[8 replies] Last: @coder777, thank you sir, you're a great dude. (by Saad1237)
#include <iostream> #include <conio.h> using namespace std; int bubbleSort(int arr , int s) { char a, d; cout << "Enter Size of Array :"; cin >> ...
[6 replies] Last: Since you're editing your OP, please could you edit it to use code tag... (by MikeyBoy)
by plexus
Question about BOOST_FOREACH
I have declared this member in a class: std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string> > m_foo; but when I do this ... BOOST_FOREACH(std::pair<std::strin...
[9 replies] Last: [quote=Moschops] it seemed safe to assume that it hadn't taken you eig... (by MikeyBoy)
tagging text
I have a text in graphic design (illustrator file) witch contain many translations text. My objective is to tagg and identify the begining and the end of each t...
[1 reply] : Do you have any problems with it? (by coder777)
SFML/ C++ question
sorry for opening another thread i dont know how to bump a thread so i opened another one cause i still didnt get an answer :D (here is old thread link so u ca...
[1 reply] : Here's a simple example of how one might do something similar: #incl... (by cire)
Clarification on libraries
Howdy, I have about almost 2 years of c++ under my belt, but I would just like to clarify some things that I haven't learned in depth. I don't expect full blow...
[7 replies] Last: Thanks man And @sasauke , on top of telling us what to write, not why... (by MattBess)
Template Constructor
I'm working on a virtual machine that uses a list of memory pools to allocate the created objects on. The current implementation allocates a fixed size of memor...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you for your help, it works perfectly. I forgot all about the ne... (by Shadowwolf)
Hello, Now I want to print a chessboard to the console. The function takes a board as argument and should print a dot for empty square and a piece char for pie...
[13 replies] Last: I finally found the problem! My rank and file indexes were wrong. What... (by pacman169)
Search in substring Problem
Hello everybody! I am trying to make a function which finds the position of a substring in a char pointer and I have a problem: it doesn't return the right p...
[5 replies] Last: By substr() I assume you mean strstr() which does indeed return th... (by kevinkjt2000)
PACKED BCD for long integers
Can someone help me with a program that do the following: Develop a class called BigInt (Multiple precision integer)that allow representing big integers B...
[no replies]
by teooo5
how do I add function to find the two highest numbers from user input in this code?
how do I add function to find the two highest numbers from user input in this code? I will need then to add subtract, multiply and divide the two highest number...
[10 replies] Last: You can do like this : #include <iostream> void sortNum(int& num1, ... (by danjiun)
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