General C++ Programming - January 2016 (Page 14)

How game hacks are made ?
Need just a small introduction... I am really curious.
[1 reply] : (by Bdanielz)
Game Objects Connected to Graphics Objects
I was hoping to get some ideas on how people connect independent objects together. By independent objects I mean separate classes that represent different thing...
[3 replies] Last: I've made a half-finished engine not long ago. Its structure looked li... (by S G H)
Binary Search Tree
#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; class TNode { int data; TNode *left, *right; public: TNode(int Data = 0, TNode *Left =...
[no replies]
Doubly Linked List With Header Nodes
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; class Student { private: string name; float cgpa; int id; //id of a studen...
[no replies]
Hey, so im getting into programming myself and wondering what information there is on programming codecs, i know of all the ones currently used but curious if t...
[no replies]
by Zakusa
button on desktop
hi how do i make a shutdown button on desktop not like a file but like a cool button on the top right of the desktop im trying to learn how to mod windows with ...
[3 replies] Last: ya did stardock fences even use c++ or what programming language (by Zakusa)
'=' left operand must be a lvalue
Hi guys. I'm trying to make my own String class. The thing I can't understand is why when I write GString my("sprint"); my = 'g'; The compiler says '='...
[4 replies] Last: By the way, you have undefined behaviour if `Index' is outside the [... (by gedamial)
Given a binary search tree,describe how you could convert it into an AVL tree with worst-case time O(nlogn) and best case O(n)?
I searched that question but didn't understand the answer that is: We can traverse the tree in O(n) time and insert each element into an initially empty AVL tre...
[1 reply] : What about this answer don't you understand? Do you understand this b... (by Moschops)
I tried to introduce a cin.get instruction into a do-while and it didn't work.Can you help me?This is the actual code: #include<string.h> #include<iostrea...
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> int main() { const int MAX_CHARS = 100 ; ... (by JLBorges)
Big Integer Printing
For a number-crunching application I found the need to store large integers (usually around 64-128 bytes). The big integers are stored as an array of 64-bit num...
[5 replies] Last: Since most of the resulting application involves arithmetic on the num... (by Shadowwolf)
searcg engine optimization
food morning are you.Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website. [url="
[2 replies] Last: @Frooster, this is obviously a spam thread. Please next time do not co... (by TarikNeaj)
Currency Converter (Using Function) (1,2)
Hi, can someone make a C++ program of Currency Converter using function which takes a value from user and convert it into (Rupees,Dollar,Pound) the format of fu...
[20 replies] Last: 1.use code tags wherever possible.example: int x; impro... (by Frooster)
Multiple Files in a project Error
Iam beginning to do a small project to hone my programming skills and iam stuck here...plz tell me how to correct it main.cpp : ...
[2 replies] Last: -Shadowwolf tysm! that fixed it!! (by Frooster)
Ways to improve project..highly recommend negative critiscms
/***************************************************************** * Chat Program in C++ * * Developed By: ...
[10 replies] Last: -jlb, -dhayden, thank you so much for pointing out the mistakes patien... (by Frooster)
by Zakusa
creating a txt file to a exact c: location
hi how do you create a txt file to a C: location (example file.location = "C:\Program Files (x86)\mr. folder"
[1 reply] : in that case u have to specify the complete file path in the construct... (by Frooster)
System() (1,2)
Everybody says "Dont use system()" can you tell me why?
[23 replies] Last: system() is a security risk, not because of the interchangeability of ... (by NoXzema)
Accessing pointer-to-array's index modifies its size
Hi! I'm making my own Array template class. This the costructor: template<typename GType> class GArray { GType* array_type = nullptr; int size = 0; p...
[4 replies] Last: Really really thanks guy! =) (by gedamial)
Storing a function in a pointer
I am creating an inventory system that uses a function for on use. I was wondering if i could store a function or at least a pointer to a function in a vector s...
[5 replies] Last: I know how it will default to the one with the correct parameters. Tha... (by lordseanington)
by Gyiove
Why should some things be private in class?
Hello everyone! I have noticed that variables in class are private. Also some functions and static functions. The questiion is why? Puting somethings into pr...
[2 replies] Last: the point of making private section is encapsulation and to prevent ot... (by codekiddy)
C++ Inventory
Hi Guys I'm designing the inventory for another small rpg Project. I was wondering what would be most efficient to create lots of items. I could of course cre...
[9 replies] Last: If you wanna get fancy you can hook it up to an online database :P (by MattBess)
January 2016 Pages: 1... 1213141516... 18
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