by shorty5161
2d char array
[2 replies] Last: First you need to create an array of strings. char arrayOfWords ; Th... (by Nivin17)
Kindly and urgently correct me in this code |
[3 replies] Last: So.. i intend these to be column headings:LR_Unit_Number\t Name_of_pr... (by Mwangi Elijah)
by shorty5161
access violation error
[3 replies] Last: val = '\0'; Where does currItr get set? This function increments it... (by dhayden)
by bigorenski
Strange behavior
[3 replies] Last: You're a 100% right! It worked. Thanks buddy. (by bigorenski)
by HumbleAAT
[5 replies] Last: Okay, thank you very much guys. (by HumbleAAT)
by Rodr1697
cannot convert 'std::string' to 'int'??
[2 replies] Last: I did not think just changing the type would work, and didn't even try... (by Rodr1697)
by andrewllewop
Load code from text
[10 replies] Last: Just for anybody that might come across this, I found something that I... (by andrewllewop)
by Aquilifer
STL Vectors in visual studio
[9 replies] Last: You can use System::String like this: System::String^ str = gcnew Sy... (by Thomas1965)
by YvngSavage
Help with code
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { char respon... (by Moschops)
by ankurt44
Writing a generic method that prints any object
[1 reply] : I cannot overload << in my LinkedList class, because I wont know abou... (by cire)
by Counterfe1t
How to pull out specific data from char array in cpp?
[1 reply] : Since the tokens are nicely separated by spaces you could use strtok t... (by Thomas1965)
Solve it.... (1,2) |
[34 replies] Last: Next time, please do us a favor and describe in words what the program... (by mpark4656)
by technologist
q: objects and member access
[6 replies] Last: to access actual object at this address you need dereference a point... (by technologist)
by gedamial
Array of String doesn't work properly
[10 replies] Last: Oh gosh, what a stupid. There was the problem! Thanks! (by gedamial)
by Gyiove
What is slowing my code down?
[2 replies] Last: I'm recoding the whole thing again because of that mistake. I bet ther... (by Gyiove)
by Kubani
Books on QT5
[4 replies] Last: But how to post new topics? How to distinguish between codes and Itali... (by Kubani)
by armonsafai
how to instantiate a class template on the heap
[3 replies] Last: Armonsafai, yes, you do it the way you said. template<typename Data>... (by Peter87)
by usama shahid
StaQue round robin array
[4 replies] Last: thanks i will work on it (by usama shahid)
by e7kim
String error?
[3 replies] Last: you've got while (getline(inFile, countries )) //75 { getli... (by ne555)
by e7kim
Vector error
[6 replies] Last: Favour value semantics for the vector. Let each function do just one t... (by JLBorges)