General C++ Programming - January 2013 (Page 20)

Where mutex is stored in windows
I want to know how mutex is working in process synchronization. Where these mutexes are stored in memory how another process know about this mutex? If two di...
[6 replies] Last: It could be, I was only speculating when I said random word generator.... (by Smac89)
by Smac89
2-d pointer function
The greedy box function is not writing into the array and I would like to know why. #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #define MAX 200 using namespace std;...
[6 replies] Last: @Darkmaster thanks so much! That is exactly what I needed to hear. @a... (by Smac89)
Testing STL container performance
I'm trying to figure out a good container for my needs. I wont have many insertions, but look up needs to be as fast as possible. I figure then to sequence co...
[4 replies] Last: > I made my data type more complex and the vector started to be slower... (by ne555)
get serial of hardware such as motherboard
SALAM ( Persian) How can get the serial of any hardware's system such as motherboard or other.? I want to creat private program for some system.(my progr...
[2 replies] Last: Hi there, It may have been best to ask your question in the General C... (by closed account o3hC5Di1)
[VC++6] - about control properties
i know hide\show or disable\enable a control. but can i catch the actual thing(true or false)? (i'm new in VC++6) int test; char buf ; test=GetDlgItem(ch...
[no replies]
i need a c++ program for a project that lets you input a time and outputs the different time from the different time zones, UTC -12 up to UTC +12 any ideas...
[4 replies] Last: no codes yet, i was hoping someone will help me make the codes (by linEmoguy)
simple interest using functions.
i was trying to make a program of calculating simple intrest using functions. i dont know whats wrong with the program but it always shows a wrong output. ...
[4 replies] Last: Hi there, Try using a debug-cout statement as such: [code firstline=... (by closed account o3hC5Di1)
Important Things to Remember?
Hello everyone! I'm fairly new to C++, but I have been working very hard and I am wondering what I should be doing now, and how I can continue to advance in m...
[3 replies] Last: how about just doing the tasks you listed under "things i want to lear... (by Darkmaster)
!!!Problem -Reading from a file
Hi everybody!I am a beginner in C++ and I can`t find a solution for this problem.I`ve written a program that calculates the points of sportmen in competition fr...
[2 replies] Last: I tried it but unfortunately it didn`t work.I thought about typing fp.... (by ferarista)
Class Addition Problem
Hello every body...kindly check out this code.... #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class vector { float x_comp1,y_comp1,z_comp1,x_comp2,y_comp2,...
[4 replies] Last: help appreciated...thanks :-) (by awaise17)
by Brody
Stdout memory limit
Hi, I am running a program remotely in Linux that outputs a lot to the screen. When I left this to run for a while, the machine locked up and I assume it ran...
[6 replies] Last: such a connection would make me suspect something funky happening wit... (by Brody)
mp3 player load list save list help needed
The mp3player plays and the listbox getcursel works I have a savelist button and a load list. I Save a list and i load it into the listbox. When i try to ...
[no replies]
Drawing a Diamond
This code is designed to Draw a Diamond, I've worked out all the bugs in the main Draw function, which is to be transferred to another project and used to inter...
[4 replies] Last: Again, Thank you!!! A second set of eyes is always a great thing to ha... (by TaytayB)
Saving Listbox items into a text file
the process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process how can i edit CStdioFile to let me open the file while the program is running
[2 replies] Last: opps..forgot close (by terryeverlast)
by karnec
Project error help
Hi everyone, I am doing a jeopardy type game in C++ and it does not run properly wherever I run it. There is also a bad access error on question 5 about "kurten...
[3 replies] Last: If you want help debugging this, post something that is compilable and... (by AbstractionAnon)
program problem
The program is ok bar the void changecase it displays the string1 fine in output but string2 does not display properly.Does anyone know how to fix this #incl...
[1 reply] : What strings did you input in main? I donĀ“t understand in bobMARLEY w... (by Marcos Modenesi)
Exception Writing Violation
Does anyone have a better eye than me? I can't exactly locate this error that has been holding me up for quite some time now. First-chance exception at 0...
[1 reply] : Try to provide a minimal example that does reproduce your issue. You ... (by ne555)
class templating
I'm not fully familiar with templating but I need this to be inheritable and std::vector just spews warnings so I decided to just make my own mimicking it. I'm ...
[16 replies] Last: Thanks, I wasn't trying to reinvent the "wheel", just trying to use so... (by awsdert)
Program to print out x, y click coordinates?
Hey everyone. I'm relatively new to C++, and am interested in automating something where I work. My situation is: I use the AS/400 warehouse system, and I ne...
[4 replies] Last: im not really good w/ ibm's OS's but I know if it OS400 is like a vers... (by James Parsons)
Creating an array of pointers to base class to point to derived class objects dynamicaly
Please consider the following code : #include <iostream> using namespace std; class superclass; class subclass1; class subclass2; class superclass { ...
[2 replies] Last: Yes, this contains stuff you don't want to use. No, you aren't requir... (by cire)
January 2013 Pages: 1... 1819202122... 36
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