General C++ Programming - January 2013 (Page 10)

provide a practical implementation in C++
Detail Description: You are required to give C++ implementation of following classes: 1. User 2. Buyer 3. Tenant 4. Owner Following is the descript...
[3 replies] Last: Yeah thats going to happen. (by pogrady)
Overloaded, inheritance, scope resolution
Hi guys, Came upon a syntactic problem, and looking for a little help. I have two classes, Patient which is derived from Person; class Patient:p...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks pogrady and JLBorges, got it solved. (by toomanystars)
virtual bool error C4430
Hello there! Thanks for visiting my topic, to get it straigt, I am seeking for help. Before you ask me: Nope, im not coding since yesterday, yes i googled my p...
[10 replies] Last: GOOD NEWS ******************** it works! I did what Disch told me (de... (by TimHallyburton)
optimize problem 22 (1,2)
The problem: note that there is a textfile that goes with it. It seems that my program either is eternal or takes over 5 ho...
[24 replies] Last: ok, something weird with the file maybe... but thanks anyway, delete ... (by closed account ETAkoG1T)
You are given a sorted array [containing no repeated elements] of size N, on which left circular rotation has been applied k number of times. For example, lef...
[1 reply] : This is the c++ forum. The code you have above isn't c++, it looks li... (by KunjeeB)
by Phiru
How to overwrite text in file?
Hi, I have a question about controlling a file. With MFC, I can overwrite stream with code blew. f.Open(strFullPath, CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeNoTrun...
[2 replies] Last: I solved it out. The problem was that i didn't put "flush()". LOL T... (by Phiru)
What IDE is depicted in this photo? it's a large photo. I grabbed it from wikipedia from the "Extreme Pr...
[19 replies] Last: [quote=naraku9333]Sublime is nice, but I just can't get over it's inab... (by closed account 18hRX9L8)
Need help with C++ homework!
Hello, I'm not very familiar with programming at all (I'm a chem major and this class is a course requirement for me), and I'm looking for ANY help or sugges...
[12 replies] Last: The Orwell version your talking about is the new release of Dev C++, ... (by closed account 3qX21hU5)
inserting into the back of an array
hi guys i am working on creating a priority queue, i seem to have done the algorithm for inserting from the top correctly but the algorithm for inserting fr...
[2 replies] Last: In you insertbottom, you are indeed over writing everything in your ar... (by Smac89)
Music not playing SDL
Hi, I have a problem, the music that I want to plays not run :( Theoretically all arguments are well, but I don't understand why not works. I have all librar...
[12 replies] Last: Yes!! That was the problem :/ Now it worksss thx a lot all!! (by puntoinfinito)
VGA Attribute controller monochrome mode operations?
What does the VGA's Attribute Controller do in monochrome operations? Is the value always translated to 0xF for 1 and 0x0 for 0? Or does the attribute controlle...
[no replies]
by rudy01
C++ fwrite calculating elapsed Time
I have a question. I would like to actually have some measure of roughly how long it takes to do a fwrite to a drive. when i do the following: clock_t b...
[10 replies] Last: PERFECT.... Thanks a lot, QueryPerformanceCounter function and Query... (by rudy01)
Socket Server, Accepting multiple Clients
I have created a simple Server and Client. What I've done is use SDL as sort of a game. When the server is started and the client connects, only then is the...
[2 replies] Last: I understand where you're going with this, And it does make more sense... (by define BBP)
improving my tic tac toe game
Im trying to twist this tic tac toe I made , I want to make it in to 5x5 grid or 6x6 grid , but the rules are quite different , if player one forms a straigh "X...
[3 replies] Last: where to start? use [ code] tags when you are posting sections of code... (by georgewashere)
by send
How find the biggest part of column over diagonale of matrix
ow to find the biggest column of the matrix (higher of main diagonale) Here is the draft of code that i desighned/ Of cause it has a several mistake. But would...
[5 replies] Last: Of cause it was better to explain in russian what means "size of dimen... (by send)
Reinitialize dynamic/share library
Hi, I am getting some problem in a dynamic/share library I am using with my code. Restarting my application solves the problem. Could anyone please tell m...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks helios and Santosh (by rishabhagl)
Hi, I have to develop a wifi based application on NEW 8110 pos terminal. Actually I don't know how to develop this. I mean wifi connectivity. If anyone have ...
[4 replies] Last: Hi ajh32, This is not a new job and I'm new for this C developments. ... (by dushantha12)
connecting mysql with c++
I tried to connect c++ with mysql.To link between mysql and dev c++ i installed the package libmysql and I also added the linker file -lmysql in tools->compiler...
[1 reply] : you need to add the search directory for the lib file. Maybe you ne... (by coder777)
Can not find or open pdb file in microsoft visual c++
So I'm trying to write a program for a pong game using a tutorial online. Every time i try to run my program its telling me "Cannot find or open pdb file" I hav...
[2 replies] Last: Have you tried running 'Clean %s' (see Build menu) then 'Rebuild %s'? ... (by ajh32)
by vijkrr
difference in pass by pointer & reference
hi What is the difference in pass by pointer and pass by reference? As per my understanding, there is no differecne much. If a function accepts pointer, ...
[3 replies] Last: This might help you: (by ajh32)
January 2013 Pages: 1... 89101112... 36
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