by altanmust
Need help!!!!
[1 reply] : Hey, please edit your post and use code tags to make the code more rea... (by TarikNeaj)
by Hex213
[2 replies] Last: Any progress? I wouldn't offer either of these as a solution if I coul... (by Computergeek01)
std::shared_ptr::operator-> constness |
[6 replies] Last: The foo() in the initial post is not calling any member functions of s... (by Cubbi)
by Timbi
Zlib and vectors
[no replies]
Data structure and algorithms time computation ? |
[9 replies] Last: The problem statement doesn't say anything on the matter. (by helios)
by Wu zhen hai
Function Over Guard
[3 replies] Last: I have wrote a generic version: #include <functional> template<class... (by Wu zhen hai)
by Edlikesbeds
Read file names?
[2 replies] Last: Under Windows you can use FindFirstFile and FindNextFile. https://msdn... (by Thomas1965)
by technologist
can print std::Array from main, but not from function
[17 replies] Last: Which illustrates the point perfectly, because you didn't show us the ... (by MikeyBoy)
by Maxim28
Backus Naur Form
[1 reply] : loco means "one or more '*'". cars means "one or more '-'". open means... (by helios)
by Unturned
C++ delay() problem
[5 replies] Last: Thanks! You guys let me learned a lot of new stuff (by Unturned)
by diana28069
Need assistance: Create a program to handle a college class grades:
[no replies]
by Wu zhen hai
Where can I get the latest news of CPlusPlus?
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! (by Wu zhen hai)
by itsstock02
Need help with a program. Please!
[1 reply] : (by TarikNeaj)
by Caroham29
How to return an int from a Node
[2 replies] Last: Any time you change the head or next pointer, there's a good chance th... (by dhayden)
by casescs
Validate the code if existing on the file, otherwise, display “record not found”)
[4 replies] Last: can you show an example? Maybe something like this: char newc... (by Chervil)
by OAK9426
C++ User-Input into Morse code
[7 replies] Last: I'd find a map far more intuitive for that, than an array. With a ma... (by dhayden)
by r0manatw00d
Calculating C Language
[3 replies] Last: Yeah. This looks like someone trolling by trying to mimic some of our... (by MikeyBoy)
by Myrage2000
GLEW missing GL version but valid context
[no replies]
by DannyPTB
Debugging Problem
[2 replies] Last: Can you post the code? (by Thomas1965)
std::bind ??
[1 reply] : source and cooperative are a different objects. When source is ... (by coder777)