General C++ Programming - February 2016 (Page 7)

nested if programm
somebody help me to make thisprogramm The user display shows a start-up message welcoming the customer and invites him/her ...
[6 replies] Last: thank you very much tarikneaj (by Muhammad Abdullah)
[HELP] wchar_t
I HAVE THIS LINE: wchar_t *PROG_FILES = { L"Myfile.txt" , L"Myfile.txt" , L"Myfile.txt" , L"Myfile.txt" , NULL } i need this wchar_t aa = L"Myfile.txt"; ...
[2 replies] Last: You can concatenate strings using the + operator if you use std::wstri... (by Peter87)
Templated Member Functions instantiation
I obtained a .hpp file online which contained both the class declaration and definition together as such: //Foo.hpp class Foo{ Foo(); <templa...
[3 replies] Last: First, get your code sample working as it is supposed to, before it's ... (by Cubbi)
Machine Problem Question C++
When i run on visual c++ express edition 2008 i receive warnings what does this mean to my codes below? 1>c:\users\admin\desktop\basdfasdasd\basdfasdasd\basdfa...
[2 replies] Last: (Thank you for the code tags) beginner here sorry Now i have a new pro... (by LordRogue90)
Store a column results from a text file to another text file as a row
Hi guys.Im having some troubles with reading columns from a text file. In the first text file i have: a b c d 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 The values fo...
[3 replies] Last: Well, I gave a very simplified version of the code, hoping that it wou... (by Chervil)
Variable is undeclared?
It says that the variables at int main (line 77) are undeclared. it is a simple program so just help me understand that silly yet confusing mistake. Appreciate...
[5 replies] Last: char c = c; Right idea, but not exactly like this. You need to put ... (by TarikNeaj)
Reading numbers with sscanf
I have the following line of data: 3563, LODpmedhos2_LAe, 0, 2063.132813, -1731.78125, 15.2734375, 0, 0, 0.7071068883, 0.7071066499, -1 and the code i'm usi...
[10 replies] Last: After removing the comma from the sscanf function, it started working ... (by Affected1)
Area of circle using header file
Write your question here.I am making a program to find the area of circle by using a header file.I a, receiving errors like decleration syntax error and functio...
[1 reply] : There are a number of errors here. But let's start by getting it to co... (by Chervil)
replacement of magical number crashes the program
Hi, I am trying in this code example to replace the magical number "52" with a const int. When I do this the program stops compiling. What is wrong here/what a...
[4 replies] Last: Yes, it is interesting how the compiler reacts to it. Its a known var ... (by technologist)
Issues deleting an entire Stack data structure
Hi. I've my own Stack class template<typename T> struct Block { T val; Block* top; }; template<typename T> class GStack { public: Block<T>* base; int b...
[3 replies] Last: What a stupid. I feel so relieved now. Thanks guys =) (by gedamial)
Currency convertion and future value conversion
Cant get this to run, its supposed to convert dollars to euros,pesos and yen and use the same amount of dollars entered to calculate its future value. im gettin...
[1 reply] : First, please use code tags. See (by keskiverto)
by Newb66
Take elements from 1d Array and put them into 2d array
I need to take the elements from a one dimensional array (gamma ) and put them into the first row of a two dimensional array (intStock ). I then need to set th...
[6 replies] Last: Wow. Just wow. Don't bother wasting any more of your own time I'm n... (by Newb66)
I need some topics to code and improve myself . Like fibonacci, Magic square , Knights tour or 3n+1 . Sorry for bad english
[1 reply] : This one is pretty good - (by TarikNeaj)
Prime Test Program
Hi So I have this assignment in which I must create a prime test code in C++ to determine if a number is prime. To indicate a number is prime, the number 1 mus...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you for the reply I have made a mistake in the original post an... (by tazzrawr)
by guru23
+= question
Hello, How come when I enter a name, for example, joey, the output is 1329? How is that even happening? I wouldn't expect the team += a to give me an outp...
[8 replies] Last: ¿what is so hard to understand about undefined behaviour? (by ne555)
by Albos
How to log in using c++ ?
Guys, I need to learn how to log in to my microsoft account or maybe facebook acount through cpp. First of all I already know how to open a file but I'm not sur...
[13 replies] Last: Here it is @MikeyBoy (by Albos)
For loop
Write a C++ program that asks the user to enter an integer N and display N lines as follows. On line i, display i dollars ($), followed by a single pound (#) ...
[4 replies] Last: And just out of curiosity, why do most people tend to use "i" and "j"... (by TarikNeaj)
by chan3x
i am beginer so i need help
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int i , y = 1 , n = 0; cout << " do you weant continu ? y/n : "; cin >> i; if (i == 1) { co...
[4 replies] Last: tom221b thenx so much i forgot ' i wrote if ( i == y ) and o... (by chan3x)
Ampersand doesn't work!
Good evening guys. So this project is about the timing of the customers' served in the first 30 minutes on a Thursday morning in a bank. there is a new customer...
[3 replies] Last: Calling Q.timing(time_arrive, 3) returns the value of time_arrive+3... (by Peter87)
[HOMEWORK] Mortgage Application for Loans (from Php 2M to Php 8M)
So we have this basic programming subject that is not much related in our course. Having a little knowledge in dev c++, I find this "take home test" or what I c...
[3 replies] Last: What kind of program is it - Windows and Console ? If yes have a look ... (by Thomas1965)
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