by Winkerd
[2 replies] Last: Oh yes..thanks for that :) (by Winkerd)
What is a MUD? |
[1 reply] : The way I implemented my MUD was to have basically a list of a bunch o... (by Zhuge)
by SilentNoise
Program that counts number of occurrence of a letter in a file
[2 replies] Last: yes that was my idea all along but i was thinking that there might be ... (by SilentNoise)
by NormV1984
class with random generator
[1 reply] : In a .h file, because you want to include it somewhere else. (by majidkamali1370)
by hatefacecore
Returning in a menu
[3 replies] Last: Maeriden is a genius. I wrapped the whole code in a for loop then put ... (by hatefacecore)
by Wuten
C++ Buttons not working?
[1 reply] : Nevermind, I found the issue; I marked the second y as >375, rather th... (by Wuten)
by xTwisteDx
Won't go to else statement
[5 replies] Last: Else, savings == 0 The if on top is SavingsBalance > = 0; If you sav... (by greenleaf800073)
by hobbles
Need Help With Making Fractal Terrain
[no replies]
by mendozae
Why am I getting Unresolved external when using Static in a class
[8 replies] Last: Cire, computerquip, You are correct, the declaration should be outs... (by mendozae)
by Owain
Is Effective C++ still a good book to buy?
[4 replies] Last: @Owain yes, all three are essential mid to early advanced level C++ bo... (by Cubbi)
by alcaz0r
Inheritance Best Practice? (custom number classes)
[1 reply] : Perhaps I should add that eventually I would like to add classes for C... (by alcaz0r)
by ahargrove5
I need help declaring values
[4 replies] Last: First error, dimes_value and etc. If you have a constant, you need to ... (by greenleaf800073)
by adam123383
write program to find area of a square
[3 replies] Last: #include <iostream> //basic libraries #include <cstdio> #include <cs... (by greenleaf800073)
by zedidiah
tripple for loop problem
[2 replies] Last: do this: cout.width(3); //column witdh (by greenleaf800073)
by brandonator
can somebody help me simplify this code please?
[4 replies] Last: I can't help but another place to try and get some good help would be ... (by Elidor)
by jsprogrammer
What is wrong with my program?
[2 replies] Last: First, do new line it's \n, not /n. If you can't remember that, do co... (by greenleaf800073)
by takzee
error reading characters of string
[1 reply] : Please make a test case! Or in... (by closed account S6k9GNh0)
by Xwow
Question about object spawning and deleting
[5 replies] Last: Don't use pointers and manually managed dynamic memory where it isn't ... (by cire)
by zxcvbnm123
split date char array by delimiter
[2 replies] Last: Using strtok() should resolve your problem. #include <stdio.h> #inc... (by ajh32)
by thiduck
Really small doubt
[3 replies] Last: Why not line 15? I know C++ and in C++ if foo(3) is given, where c is ... (by thiduck)