by rbrewer
numeric variable used in array name
[7 replies] Last: You need to distinguish between texture coordinates and screen coordin... (by mbozzi)
by SirEnder125
When is delete keyword necessary?
[13 replies] Last: Yes, helios, very much a recurring pattern. You were just the latest.... (by deleted account xyzzy)
by Buttercup314
C++ Raycaster using SFML
[no replies]
C2011 'timespec': 'struct' type redefinition error. |
[2 replies] Last: Works for me (gcc / Ubuntu). $ gcc main.c -pthread $ ./a.out 1000 Su... (by salem c)
by Rxlr
How to access information on an Object the user will create.
[1 reply] : Have you learned about scopes yet? (by AbstractionAnon)
by marhuum
To release memory of a vla array
[1 reply] : There are no variable length arrays in standard C++. We have std::vec... (by JLBorges)
by blaster123
I need help with a two-dimensional table
[9 replies] Last: @seeplus can you explain how you did the first program? (by blaster123)
by Amuiz
Passing an argument into the constructor of an array of objects
[3 replies] Last: For example, std::vector<Player> players; players.emplace_back(5); /... (by helios)
by banthong
use a class in multiple others
[5 replies] Last: Thank you everyone for all your replies. I guess the most relevant rep... (by banthong)
by junweinehc
Beginner Level Linked List Qs
[2 replies] Last: Thank you Jonnin. I learned a LOT from you. (by junweinehc)
Variable doesn't update with Pointer |
[4 replies] Last: I'm curious now about why your using const. Const correctness is b... (by keskiverto)
by SirEnder125
How to check if one string is the first half of another string? (Visit for explanation)
[4 replies] Last: Thank you all. :) (by SirEnder125)
by aymanawa
i got no suitable convertion right her "std::istream_iterator"<std::string>(std::istringstream(nb))
[2 replies] Last: thank you mbozzi it works and great reason explanation (by aymanawa)
by sinoyue
Program skipping first line of input when displaying final output?
[7 replies] Last: For easy compile, I moved the .h contents into the .cpp file OK, but... (by Peter87)
by java982
Can somebody help me with my code please??? Thanks
[3 replies] Last: Circle(double xcoord = 0.0, double ycoord = 0.0, float r0 = 0.0) : P... (by seeplus)
by laura11111
[7 replies] Last: Decomposition and encapsulation . The operator+= decomposes into t... (by keskiverto)
by Ocko91
[4 replies] Last: Thank you seeplus ! salem c i am using visual basic 2015 on windows ... (by Ocko91)
by laura11111
Help with bool>operator
[4 replies] Last: This appears to be related to (by dhayden)
by liam401
Swapping array elements
[3 replies] Last: "swap" as you are using it, you are saying 'replace' which is valid i... (by jonnin)
by laura11111
[2 replies] Last: Assuming that the copy constructor is OK then the operator= can be imp... (by seeplus)