General C++ Programming - December 2020 (Page 4)

How to prevent file detection c++
I'm making an application in C++, my purpose is to protect the contenent of a certain directory. Every elements inside this directory cannot be deleted or modif...
[5 replies] Last: FWIW you HAVE to lock admin and all out of some folders to block persi... (by jonnin)
Help with what might be a ""switch statement""
Hey y'all. So basically, I'm very new to C++ but I was working on a project for class and I got stuck. What I need is a program that can check if one number's...
[7 replies] Last: What I need is a program that can check if one number's components c... (by seeplus)
by whaley
Why is it giving me an error in the function call? Am I calling the array incorrectly?
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int fillArrayPointer(const int R, const int C, int a ); int main() { //creating 2D array const int R=2; cons...
[7 replies] Last: The fillArray can also be done simpler without using nested for loops:... (by seeplus)
How to get/set the actual value of an object
Hello, sorry for the confusing title. Suppose I wrote a class: class MyClass { std::string val; public: MyClass(std::string str) { ...
[2 replies] Last: Wow, thanks! :D (by SirEnder125)
bot that monitors website notifications and downloads files from the other site
I want to write a bot that monitors the Notification system on a site and downloads files from another site with this information. Is it possible? How can I do ...
[5 replies] Last: Perl would be another good choice, it has extensive libraries for deal... (by lbrandewie)
by jw209
Destructor crashing program for custom vector class because of overloaded = operator
Hi, I am trying to make a custom vector class for strings. Here's my current overloaded assignment operator for the class.. myStringVector& myStringV...
[2 replies] Last: I'm fairly new to C++ myself and I've already run into the following p... (by lbrandewie)
Pointer question
Hi, I'm having problem understanding code below. To be specific, I can't understand the relationship between line 7 and line 14 . SO, pointer c points to fun...
[15 replies] Last: You are creating raw pointers using new/delete calls. I suggest you l... (by George P)
by dman25
SNMP Trap/Informs listener
Hello, I am trying to write an SNMP trap/inform listener but I cannot figure out the smartest way to do it. I've looked into net snmp, but they only provide hel...
[3 replies] Last: Wireshark is a free and open-... (by salem c)
by whaley
What is the solution to this problem?
A grey-level image is stored as an array of pixels, with an integer values for each pixel representing its grey level. Consider an image of N rows and M col...
[1 reply] : a for loop with a memcpy. (by jonnin)
by JeanzZ
build records for a class
Hi can someone help with this part of the question and show me how to build 3 records for the New_Records class.(or even a example that uses this?) Thanks! pub...
[2 replies] Last: records and text files don't mix well, but if you are going to do that... (by jonnin)
Help with Abstract classes. Thanks
Hi, most of the code is done below and here's my task. Thanks for any help I need to derive two classes from an abstract class and write a function that hel...
[2 replies] Last: Did you change your post? Why? Haven't you just made this a duplic... (by MikeyBoy)
Can somebody help me with Observer patterns please?
Hi, I wrote some code but I'm really stack. Any guidance? Thanks Here's the task: Modify the class OverflowCounter of execise 10 so that it informs a si...
[1 reply] : Copied and pasted from your other thread - where, I notice, you've mod... (by MikeyBoy)
C++ Problem with caesar cipher and encryption decryption with spaces
I have a problem with this code I can't encrypt with spaces for the caesar cipher and decrypt back for caesar cipher with spaces. I have it working on substitut...
[1 reply] : Read this and apply code tags. (by salem c)
std::getline((std::ifstream), (std::string)) error!!
Hello. I have this while-loop: while(std::getline(stream, data) // std::ifstream& stream | std::string data { std::cout << "Entered while loop!"; ...
[3 replies] Last: Lol, that's just about sums it up, yes. I have no idea how it happened... (by SirEnder125)
Data structure for tree (List-like, inverted-index-like, contiguous-like)
Dear C++ experts, I have learned there are various data structures to realize tree data structure, such as List-like (each node has pointers to parent/childr...
[1 reply] : dynamic memory constructs risk constant page faults, which are often a... (by jonnin)
by Ocko91
Next step
Hi C++ forum , I am learning C++ from this book : C++Programming 8thEditionbyMalik; also I am registered in Udemy :
[3 replies] Last: > I want to ask for recommendation for next book Recommendations by ... (by JLBorges)
Build existing C++ solution on linux using Visual Studio 2017
I have have a CMake project, which I sometimes I need to build/debug on Linux. I've tried using "Linux development with C++" to connect to my Virtual Debian mac...
[2 replies] Last: Let say that you have all the project files in directory /home/boyce/... (by keskiverto)
Program creating new object depending on input?
Disclaimer: I am new to c++ and programming in general so I apologize if my question doesn't make sense. Ok so I am wondering if there is a way for a program t...
[1 reply] : Use a vector of objects. vector: (by JLBorges)
How to remove amazons ID from mp3 files?
I have here thousands of mp3 files that I bought over the last years from amazon. But I'm feeling not well by the fact that each track has inserted its own ID ...
[5 replies] Last: Just a note: the loopback recording device (generally labelled "Stereo... (by helios)
Help with Abstract classes please?
Hi, most of the code is done below and here's my task. Thanks for any help I need to derive two classes from an abstract class and write a function that helps...
[4 replies] Last: Yes I post the modified code. Thanks for this. Glad to know that you ... (by java982)
December 2020 Pages: 123456
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