by CrystalSea
C++ MFC Dialog Application - Password hashing
[2 replies] Last: i already complete my creation form just need hashing thats all lol. a... (by CrystalSea)
Making GREP with C++ |
[4 replies] Last: @JLBorges, thank you, it was very helpful. (by InfinityCounter)
by armonsafai
what is wrong with this code?
[2 replies] Last: i see, thanks a lot stranger! (by armonsafai)
by lrose79
Help Displaying a Celsius temp
[5 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> // using namespace std; //fu... (by JLBorges)
by CrystalSea
Need help with MFC dialog- login page
[5 replies] Last: OK done thanks guys i found that the error lies with the mysql_close -... (by CrystalSea)
by zoran404
Parallel processing - sorting algorithm
[2 replies] Last: People use the GPU for sorting stuff all the time. Graphics stuff, mi... (by Duthomhas)
by Ganado
Making programs to work with custom hardware/drivers
[2 replies] Last: Thank you for the keywords I'll definitely look into it! (by Ganado)
by bgmnk
Data Storing
[2 replies] Last: You'd need to make functions for storing&loading the variables you use... (by zoran404)
by tmason
Built in functions (std, etc.) for converting Degrees to Radians?
[9 replies] Last: > an art program like photoshop or paint, much easier to ask the user... (by ne555)
by kiana6
Unresolved externals problem
[5 replies] Last: Thank you so much! That really helped me out! Can you please do me one... (by kiana6)
by Wolfvx
error LNK2019 & LNK2001
[2 replies] Last: Holly ******** It was all because of destructor? I can't believe this.... (by Wolfvx)
C++ help |
[no replies]
by JaviAM20
Need help.
[no replies]
by dred30
need some help with what seems to be simple but can't figure it out
[3 replies] Last: You need a formula. Currently you have one single point of data, and i... (by LB)
by luke8h
need help with data members/functions
[no replies]
by Jakecplus
How do I create a die rolling counter using classes?
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, this is exactly what I needed. I have been struggling for the ... (by Jakecplus)
by luke8h
Trouble running problem. I get Segmentation Fault: 11
[5 replies] Last: Your set_verb function has 10 verbs. Your VERBS constant is 8. (by Ispil)
by jodytj
Linked List
[4 replies] Last: Tests should also cover all list operations. For instance, test List... (by JLBorges)
by superfury
RIFF RIFF/LIST header structure? Actual data overlap with header fccType?
[3 replies] Last: But isn't the fccType actually a part of the header instead of the da... (by dhayden)
by sebihp2007
Strange behavior with scanf and uninitialized local variable?
[2 replies] Last: Oh right.. silly me.. sorry.. I've only recently transitioned from str... (by sebihp2007)