by Ajaycpp
Purpose of the Pointer to Pointer
[1 reply] : google... (by mutexe)
by Stormboy
No. of compilers installed
[6 replies] Last: I see GCC is common among everyone ;o. @ Albatross: Well Borland com... (by Stormboy)
by muddaser
[3 replies] Last: This is gonna help you......... #include<iostream> #include<conio> in... (by Hiten Sharma)
by Kubani
converting between text files and binary files
[8 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <vector> int main() ... (by JLBorges)
by Thumper
Virtual Function Performance
[1 reply] : The overhead of the vtable look up is just a couple of machine instruc... (by JLBorges)
Converting SDL Scancode to Unicode *2.0* |
[no replies]
by Capitol
counting individual vowels in a sentence
[2 replies] Last: yes either use ascii codes for each letter or just put single quotes b... (by quine)
by Cambalinho
my class have a string private and i need output string
[10 replies] Last: heres my new code: #include <iostream> #include <string> using names... (by Cambalinho)
by hafamily
delete a node in binary
[2 replies] Last: thanks (by hafamily)
by Thumper
Template Specialization or whatever it's called
[7 replies] Last: See, that's what I thought, but removing typename gives me this respon... (by Thumper)
by pivottt
Class creation and storing angles
[9 replies] Last: You don't need inherited classes or anything else (like dinking with e... (by Duthomhas)
by antirsi96
Highest Digit in a number(recursive function)
[4 replies] Last: The recursive principle is this: given a list of values, if I can do s... (by Duthomhas)
Do && and || cause branching? |
[1 reply] : Yes, since you're instructing the program to take different execution ... (by Cubbi)
by Alperen
Problem c++ emergency
[2 replies] Last: Hello, this can basically use to the ' itoa ' function. http://www.cp... (by cronopio)
by Ajaycpp
What will happen when I declare like this a[a[i]]
[5 replies] Last: rich1@ Thanks for ur expalnation (by Ajaycpp)
by jetkeynature
Getline(cin, ...) doesnt work!?
[9 replies] Last: I fixed it now; there had to be cin.ignore(0); Before the getline fu... (by jetkeynature)
by Blaze Wingz
Help me with struct?
[4 replies] Last: Here's another way to go about it using a vector: 1st the include fil... (by Largins7)
by quine
Reading one line from ".txt"
[4 replies] Last: Many thanks to all of you, i finally solved it with your helps. Really... (by quine)
by Hiten Sharma
Display fonts with different size
[4 replies] Last: No way to do this in the console. Console isn't meant for being pretty... (by TwilightSpectre)
[2 replies] Last: Line 21: You've got your syntax for your templates wrong. Compare them... (by Albatross)