General C++ Programming - December 2012 (Page 16)

Priting multi-bytes characters
The 我 character UTF-8 code units are: E6 88 91. Suppose that I have these hexadecimal values stored in an array: unsigned char bytesArray ; bytesArray ...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you very much for this answer. (by Lea Massiot)
by anwind
Function cannot read data from file into array
Function loadData won't read data into an array, I don't know why. #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> using namespace std; // Fu...
[3 replies] Last: Haha, I wrote that for the OP while I was dead tired, oops. I honestly... (by Volatile Pulse)
dynamic array
Below is a program which i wrote i want to make a dynamic array,my program is getting should output the integers which i have entered but the program i...
[5 replies] Last: can any one paste correct version of my above code...? (by jahanzaib ali khan Iiu)
Perfecting my linked list (1,2,3,4,5)
This is continued from this post: My complete code is this: #include <iostream> namespace vp { template<c...
[90 replies] Last: [quote=DeXecipher]coding style almost makes my eyes bleed [quote=DeXe... (by Volatile Pulse)
GIThub Version Control vs others.....
I've been looking into Github and I think most of the ideas are nice but I don't like the idea of having the source of my project being so easily viewed and inh...
[2 replies] Last: bitbucket offers free private repos but limit the number of users to 5... (by naraku9333)
I'm having trouble only reading in the value from my method. This program calculates the BMI of an athlete. I have 4 methods. 1 to get the height, 1 to get the ...
[no replies]
Number detector...
Actually now I'm confused... Where can I use strtol ? And strtod ? Suppose that I have a strange string (from a file etc), then I want to parse it. The har...
[4 replies] Last: Wow, it's so awesome! TY, JlBorges! (by Imadatobanisa)
by Leen
write an expression
Hi, I need some help writing this program, I tried my best to understand the question and write it by C++ language but it keeps giving me an error Here's th...
[6 replies] Last: You main is an int function which does not return any value either cha... (by arsh25)
by Hucaru
Chess game
I am trying to make a chess game, however I am having issues drawing the array I populate onto the screen. I receive what appears to be a memory error: C++(2...
[1 reply] : You've got a memory leak right now. You create the array of your piec... (by pogrady)
i get an error i dont believe is legit
Klipas.h #pragma once #include "ReklaminiaiKlipai.h" //---------------------------------------------------------- class Klipas { public: static cons...
[2 replies] Last: Wow thank you alot, ;) i am surprised how dumb of mistake that was xD (by iVeBenche)
Compling error
These examples below certainly are not allowed, why? a += 10 -= 50; A - 10 += 33;
[2 replies] Last: Hey Cubbi, I'm real happy for you and I'mma let you finish, but won't ... (by Raezzor)
A inherited class that inherit a class which already inherit a class already?
Hi I was wondering why I can't acess the absolute base class in this class which inherit a class that inherit the base class? Example Class obj1 { Publi...
[10 replies] Last: Actually I just solved it >.<, Just put all those in the same header a... (by Conny14156)
by Nobun
Pointer Question (resumed)
See: I had some troubles in this time so I couldn't reply at all. But I want to thank to those ones that replie...
[4 replies] Last: Yeah you are right. I've mantained the error I wrote while typing code... (by Nobun)
How to convert DWORD to int?
Hello everybody... Currently I got a trouble about how to convert a DWORD (unsigned int) value from a string to a regular integer value. I could not find anythi...
[3 replies] Last: You can also take this as a programming challenge, and try to workout ... (by Shatronics)
atoi vs atol vs atof
Hello everybody and I have a doubt... What is atoi - atol ? And atoi - atol vs atof ? And, actually I love atof . But, my really doubt is "Does the float...
[2 replies] Last: hevitating Avoiding *runs away* (by maeriden)
Optimizing VGA rendering speed for emulator? (1,2)
I've made a VGA rendering system, which renders from the VRAM to a scanline on-screen (a PSP in this case). For some reason, it still runs pretty slow (about 1-...
[23 replies] Last: New timer created: #include "headers/types.h" //Basic types! #include... (by superfury)
Problem solved! Thanks.
I keep getting this error: error C3409: empty attribute block is not allowed along with error C2144: syntax error : 'int' should be preceded by ']' This is ...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks!! That was the problem. Typo screwed me up! Thanks guys! Very m... (by chorkor4)
Where to go now ?
Okay so ,im fairly an expert in the following topics in c++ now.. Functions, loops, arrays, classes, structures, pointers, constructors, conditions,all opera...
[12 replies] Last: That's part of the learning. If making a key logger sounds fun, then g... (by ResidentBiscuit)
anyone please help
I am trying to write a program but i have ran into a problem i need to save a sentence and output it into a text file and i can not seem to get it to work can s...
[2 replies] Last: see if this helps #include <iostream> #include <fstream> using names... (by stevemaples)
various algorithms
Hello everyone, i have a c++ question. I need to resolve the issue i am having with 25000 elements. i keep getting too many file error. Also i need to know if t...
[3 replies] Last: I corrected a copy and paste error I made in the code above. You'll ... (by cire)
December 2012 Pages: 1... 1415161718... 43
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