General C++ Programming - December 2012 (Page 14)

by shafh
Pointer problem
Hi. I am currently having a problem with pointers to some objects. Suddently the variables on the objects return large unexpected integers, which I assume may ...
[2 replies] Last: Hey. Thanks a lot. I fixed it by using dagnode* ancestorDagNode = {... (by shafh)
by VK3TY
Use of structure (struct) to for a unique record
Folks, There will be somone "out there" that will have the answer I'm seeking. At present I'm at a loss to find that answer. I'm using a structure (stru...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks Volatile Pulse and KRAkatau, Volatile Pulse , I read the lin... (by VK3TY)
I think ive brained myself here, this fun ass code is supposed to output horizontal, instead its vertical, how can i rectify?! (1,2)
Theres a txt file too its here heres what that text file contains if you are a cautious type: --AA-...
[20 replies] Last: how does operator() work again It makes an object a act like a func... (by coder777)
Translate an Infix Expression to Postfix
The program I need written is: Write an object oriented C++ program to translate an infix expression to postfix (Reverse Polish notation. Your input directio...
[1 reply] : I will only give you an idea for an appropriate data structure - use s... (by TheGrayWolf)
keep window open with cin.get
Hello, I am using a third part software "gnuplot" to draw graphics. In my code, I use a header file to send commands to this software to see the graphics. In...
[11 replies] Last: OK, it's clear now. Thanks for the explanation. (by dekeenfrance)
by tomz6
How to make a fast video player? (draw large images to screen)
Hi, I need to make a video player. I have sequences of image data (bitmaps) which are very large (1920x1080), and need to display them onto the screen at lea...
[2 replies] Last: You may make a series of Texture frame data then send them to render. ... (by Imadatobanisa)
by crp408
help with final
hi i need some help on my final it says create an application that allows the user to enter a customer's account number. The application should lookup name and...
[7 replies] Last: thats the problem on my computer i dont have the program so ive been d... (by crp408)
C++ Learning
Where are some good places to learn C++?
[9 replies] Last: @Everyone but SamuelAdams The OP asked for good places to learn. There... (by Volatile Pulse)
by Andy F
For looping problem
I can't figure out why this is't looping. refer to annotation: #include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string> #include <iomanip> using na...
[1 reply] : First, I just want to mention that you shouldn't start a new thread wh... (by TheIdeasMan)
c++ generic struct
Why wont this compile template <class t> struct a { a(t& ty=t() ,a* p=0):o(ty),n(p){} t& o; a* n; };
[7 replies] Last: Then you may want to find a version of VS that isn't broken. Tested: ... (by cire)
reading from file!
I am making a program that reads from a file and should find the five consecutive numbers with the biggest product. I thought I this would work but it doesn't, ...
[10 replies] Last: Well gratz. i'll have to take a look later (by Vlykarye)
Help with an Array Problem
(using c++ programing) I need to Read x, y (real number) data from a file, and write to another file the same data pairs sorted in order of increasing x value. ...
[3 replies] Last: Ahh not so good with structures but i will try out Darkmasters approac... (by codeman444)
Abstract classes. I am doing it wrong.
header class FSM { public: FSM(); ~FSM(); void Update(); std::vector<FSMState*> statesMap; public: FSMState *currentState; }; cpp //Construct...
[3 replies] Last: Can I see the exact error message? (by Zhuge)
by Andy F
User-Defined functions
So, I have a few errors within my program, and I'm not quite sure how to fix them. On another note, how would I get data from one user-defined function and use...
[2 replies] Last: Did you have any compilation errors or warnings? If so post them - it ... (by TheIdeasMan)
Help with writing code
I have my code complete pretty much but the last part is that I need to have a counter for how many candidates were accepted into the program and the percentage...
[7 replies] Last: Yes because I went over this with the lab aides that have taken the c... (by TheIdeasMan)
by comex
Sorting 2D array with custom compare function
Hello, There are examples of sorting vectors or dynamically allocated arrays but I couldn't find any help regarding static arrays. Let's say I have an array ...
[no replies]
exact same const and non-const operator[]
Hi all, In an SDK I found a class with two operator functions, which are both the same except for the addition of const in one of them.: char operator ( in...
[11 replies] Last: Thanks for the confirmation. I thought I lacked some knowledge about o... (by methodos)
by areej
Write a program to input a three integer numbers ten times (I mean ten entries and for each entry you input three numbers). Each of the three numbers is between...
[6 replies] Last: For questions clearly But the question remained this when you implemen... (by areej)
help with a course assigment matrices
Hello, my course assigment is: Given the 2-dimensional arrays (matrices) X and Y a) if X,Y are both of size M by M, swap each even row of X with the colum...
[8 replies] Last: What is missing is another for loop. You need to iterate through the r... (by hamsterman)
auto type and : in for loops
Hi, I'm interested in the auto type and for loops, but I'm not clear about what it does exactly. Here's and example of some code the old way: //list<list...
[3 replies] Last: list<list<C_Cell*>*>::iterator colOfRowIt; list<C_Ce... (by smcguffee)
December 2012 Pages: 1... 1213141516... 43
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