General C++ Programming - December 2012 (Page 15)

by areej
You are asked to write a C++ program that reads a positive integer, greater than zero, from the user and then outputs a triangle of numbers as appear in the exa...
[2 replies] Last: that some liblyry in my cours (by areej)
by LB
What do you think? Modules in C++ On Wikipedia's C++11 article, this is listed as having not made it into C++11 with the intenti...
[1 reply] : New money for old rope. The stated aims: • Significantly improve b... (by kbw)
Temperature converter
So i've tried to create a program that takes in 10 numbers in celcius and displays them in fahrenheit and vice versa but i also have to have a controller functi...
[2 replies] Last: The <iostream> header is included twice. Also, there is no type "int c... (by TheGrayWolf)
This is a big one and I don't understand Write a C++ function named quadratic which has parameters a,b, and c of type int which calculates only double? Writ...
[4 replies] Last: Do you understand what a function is? And if you know that, do you un... (by kbw)
Sliding buffer
I'm not sure if this is the correct term, but it's what I would call it. I'm trying to implement a "sliding buffer" to hold n number of elements from a file. Fo...
[4 replies] Last: I dont think you need a circular buffer (seems it would be infinite), ... (by naraku9333)
i want to understand this -simple thread-safe wrapper for an array- inside out, where do i start?
i know basic c++ but the only word in simple thread-safe wrapper for an array i know is array i would like to do this without installing a a library if i c...
[5 replies] Last: i dont know how i did it or what it was that i downloaded, am really d... (by devonrevenge)
by genzm
parsing string with sscanf
Hi everyone, I'm trying to parse a document. This has been working perfectly for me. Until now :p Because now the documents I want to parse are getting more com...
[7 replies] Last: Any suggestions on how I can do this? A manual parse, without using ... (by Cubbi)
Question on Intel Hex Records...
Hello C++ Forums. I come to you today with a question about Intel Hex Records. I am currently refactoring some old code that sketchily reads in some Intel Hex ...
[11 replies] Last: @cire Thanks for reminding me! The fact that char is not guaranteed ... (by ceruleus)
Linkedlist with stack
Hi, i have 2 linked lists. i add the values into the list by stack implementation. Here is the point. if there any numbers which equals to each other, progra...
[no replies]
by areej
Consider a 4-by-4 array of characters. Write a C++ program to accomplish each of the following operations: a. Declare the above array. [2 marks] b. Read the a...
[2 replies] Last: No problem, I just want to make sure of the validity of the solution a... (by areej)
Loop crash...
Hi everybody and, I got a trouble about implementing a reversed loop. It looks like : unsigned char size = Getsize(); for (; size >= 0;size--){ Class ->free()...
[7 replies] Last: why do you use unsigned char ? int is usually faster and better T... (by coder777)
Challenging homework help!
Hey all, I have two homework assignments left to do until I am done with my semester and on X-mas break, but these two are nearly impossible for me. I honestly ...
[3 replies] Last: [quote=Talvira]1) Write a program that asks the user to enter an integ... (by Volatile Pulse)
c++ pspsdk function calls by (m/k)hz frequency?
I've written a generator (using a thread), that generates up to 10 timed functions (each having their own speed (in hz)). It will cause x functions per second (...
[1 reply] : Why do you shout '!' in your comments? lol (by DragonHeart)
Binary storage of characteristics
I'm writing a program that is basically a 20Q game. I need to store characteristics as binary numbers in a text file where each digit represents a different cha...
[1 reply] : This would probably do the job for you: (by KRAkatau)
An array of vector
Hi,my program does not work, can anybody help me? using namespace std; #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <array> #include <vector> clas...
[no replies]
hello everyone can someone help me about array plsss i really need help right now using one-dimensional array. create a program that will count the number of...
[2 replies] Last: sorry i just mistaken the expected output hehehe . I was mistaken to t... (by closed account 4y79216C)
data structure
I have to do this: Information on the sale and purchase of a company will be saved in a data structure. Struct consists of the name of the shopping company, t...
[1 reply] : total is of type Company. You are trying to use it in the calculations... (by TheGrayWolf)
by xzbit
Send Binary Data via winsock
hey, trying to send a binary data via winsock...the problem is im not receiving all the binary, like when im trying to send a jpeg picture, im only ge...
[1 reply] : the problem is im not receiving all the binary That's exactly the pr... (by Athar)
Sevice.cpp Vs Controller.cpp
Hello all, i have already searched online but can't seem to find a good solid answer to this concept that's bugging me. The concept of writing a Service versus ...
[no replies]
by Tazzy
Hi I have a question for a task: It is a function of double u (double t) for any t the type to double , programming the values ​​of a periodic "sawtooth...
[14 replies] Last: Oh yeah thank you . It´s working now. (by Tazzy)
December 2012 Pages: 1... 1314151617... 43
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