General C++ Programming - December 2012 (Page 10)

Question about Creating an array of pointers
I want to create an array of pointers which are animal types, but I'm not sure if I did it correctly. Most likely, I didn't. Another question is that I want to ...
[13 replies] Last: Thank You a lot ! I finished this part. I have two more questions. The... (by Maria Ramos)
by iky
warning: uninitialized in the function.
hi. i am getting a warning in my program that says "small is uninitialized in the function" and the same thing for large. and im getting the wrong answer when i...
[7 replies] Last: What is the point of those variables? What did you intend to use them... (by MikeyBoy)
Algorithms: How to find k numbers with given sum and product.
If we are given a number k (1 <= k <= 4) and two numbers S (1 <= S <= 1000 ) and P (1 <= P <= 1000), we have to find a sequence of k numbers such that, the sum ...
[8 replies] Last: Recursive: Let F( M, K, S, P ) be a set of K integers >= M , wit... (by JLBorges)
Hey Guys, So i am making a website using google api and putting landmarks in the map. I have my html code and it works perfectly, but i am confused on the idea ...
[4 replies] Last: i was able to figure out the issue, thanks guys :D. PM feature is ena... (by jimmah4013)
Keyspace generating algorithm help
I have written a program that uses a wordlist to try to find the password for a user defined account on a windows system. My program only works by using user de...
[4 replies] Last: I thought the misuse of "its" in the same line as the correction was i... (by cire)
About Vectors....
So i have this code for an exercise about a Delivery company that delivers packages. Each package has its different characteristics and its separated in 3 categ...
[1 reply] : ohh nevermind i figured it out... i had been initializing the iterato... (by jimas13)
Array Output Problems
Currently i'm working on a rudimentary Date Compatibly program. This section is to output couples based on how compatible they are. I was using the taken ar...
[1 reply] : If you don't mind, I'll just go ahead and trim this, because I can't s... (by helios)
Reading files over 4gb
Im using this to get the size of a file: long long Get_Size(string filename) { //size_t fileSize = 0; long long fileSize = 0; ifstream infile(filename); i...
[4 replies] Last: NGen, could you give me an example of some code that seeks to 4gb then... (by killerloader)
What build tool do you use?
I take it the majority here probably use make? I myself have never used make its always been scons as thats what I started with and now I just love the power it...
[5 replies] Last: @Peter87 You're right in regards to make it is standard on Linux(and o... (by masterofpuppets690)
A little 'you know what' with reversing some code.
So this code was optimazed and compiled by VC++ and my target is to turn it back what it was avoiding the optimization. This mean making some do while loops int...
[no replies]
A little problem
suppose a function f1 is running and there on getting a condition true, the program should jump to the starting of main function,then how will I do this.remembe...
[10 replies] Last: I don't think I'd describe "put everything in main" as elegant. Yo... (by moorecm)
Pulling text info from picture?
At work we have an NFS that stores various things (most everything). Anyway, we also store some diagrams there. Lately, I've noticed that these diagrams don't g...
[8 replies] Last: That's what I was afraid of. Maybe this isn't feasible. I may just man... (by ResidentBiscuit)
Searching For A Substring
Hi guys. I'm working on a program that reverses the string the user inputs and displays it. The other requirement is for it to search if the word "junk" is in t...
[3 replies] Last: You can find its description for example here in this forum.Ttry to do... (by vlad from moscow)
by raky
copy constructors
anybody, please help me with the following problems by posting a complete code. Im still learning basics, so a code for these problems would help me analyse the...
[1 reply] : If you want an example of a copy constructor to learn from, then there... (by MikeyBoy)
by Strom
whats wrong with this code?
Im doing a lottoline that writes out 7 random numbers in 10 lines and i need to use a vector to save the element to write out later but i got no clue what i hav...
[3 replies] Last: If I have correctly understood your question then you can sort values ... (by vlad from moscow)
What is the formula behind atan2?
I stumbled upon this function but couldn't find some clear explanation of the formula used. I basically want to know how to make my own easy copy of the functio...
[13 replies] Last: Another option is employing a rational approximation as described in ... (by rcor)
fail() Function in file streams
I have this below piece of code where I am reading a file line by line and printing the contents. The contents are printed properly but everytime I run the prog...
[4 replies] Last: Why is this line getting printed? There can be two reasons: 1. istre... (by Cubbi)
GLUT: Multiple Definitions/First Defined here Error
I am a novice programmer experimenting with GLUT and have come across a problem that I cannot resolve. Here below is the classes that are involved in this error...
[8 replies] Last: You are wrong saying that variable h1 is defined only once in header ... (by gorshborsh)
need some help in files!
Hi! i'm a bit new in c++ so i'v got some question wish you to answer me...! first of all i want my program to show the specific group of line of my file so i u...
[9 replies] Last: yeah i know that's correct but i want to delete a group of lines! like... (by captain fantastic)
UDP Server-Client
This is a simple server-client code. The client sends the first packet, server receives it along with the client's address and sends a response. The code works ...
[4 replies] Last: Firewall issue, solved. (by closed account DGvMDjzh)
December 2012 Pages: 1... 89101112... 43
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