by ujinlow98
Find the average exclude 2 largest and 2 smallest
[6 replies] Last: Seeplus, in your call to std::accumulate, shouldn't nsize-2 be nsize-... (by seeplus)
by James ByeBye
How to establish UDP to pass argv[]
[1 reply] : > if ((numbytes = sendto(sockfd, argv , strlen(argv ), 0 So instead, i... (by salem c)
by James ByeBye
How to construct a adj-matrix
[3 replies] Last: Thank you very much! (by James ByeBye)
by ken0829
C++ struct 2 dimensional array
[4 replies] Last: You haven't explained why you think it needs to be a two dimensional a... (by AbstractionAnon)
by Mariofan717
How to write program that reads a file and prints lines of symbols based on its contents?
[3 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; struct P... (by lastchance)
by lumbeezl
Makefile assistance
[2 replies] Last: Would you mind providing an example? Edit: Just did a test run, with ... (by lumbeezl)
Dev - C ++ - doubt in exercise C ++ |
[3 replies] Last: For me, it's always easiest to start with the data. Read the assignmen... (by dhayden)
by idkwht2name
having an issue
[2 replies] Last: Sorry sort of new to this site. Also wow am I dumb. Thanks! (by idkwht2name)
by James ByeBye
How to construct an adj-list/adj-matrix from a txt file in c++
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for your kindly help (by James ByeBye)
by onetwo123
Algorithms with comparator
[2 replies] Last: if( comp(c[i+1], c ) ) // c[i+1] < c thank (by onetwo123)
by Freshman1234
Been Having a hard time with arrays
[6 replies] Last: thankful for you all help but just ignore it anyhow... cout <<... (by seeplus)
by bassel27
How to calculate time complexity of this code?
[12 replies] Last: Start at the END of the array. (1) Search BACKWARDS for the largest u... (by lastchance)
by cernet
How to get good at reading code?
[8 replies] Last: Fair enough. Not sure if the constant reference applies more to the in... (by lastchance)
by onetwo123
Incorrect result
[2 replies] Last: Every experiment you time is sorting already sorted data Thanks!... (by onetwo123)
by Allen04
[3 replies] Last: In this example, I understand what is base case, choose, explore and ... (by dhayden)
by Sunnycoder
Max value question
[2 replies] Last: [quote=your_tutor]Write a C++ program that declares an integer array o... (by salem c)
by Hawlong
CALLBACK EnumChildProc
[4 replies] Last: Thanks for answer, I mean that I will use them every time with changin... (by Hawlong)
by Mitsuru
The risk of wrapper class usage for std::vector<std::atomic<T> >
[4 replies] Last: Dear helios Thank you for your kind reply. Yes, I meant just reading... (by Mitsuru)
how to get a pointer to a struct's function |
[3 replies] Last: The C-ish way using function pointers. (by salem c)
by am2809
What is wrong with my toupper loop?
[4 replies] Last: main() should return int, not void. It looks like you're trying to ... (by dhayden)