General C++ Programming - April 2021 (Page 5)

if else question
Hi, The problem is When I type in G It displays Grade , I want it to display not grade! , infact no matter what number I type in it always displays Grade , Plea...
[4 replies] Last: if (strchr("abcdef", tolower(Grade))) (by helios)
Output not showing
I am trying to run following code with exp.txt input data file that has following data: 101 Allen Ron H S 38.00 15.00 0.00 179.45 200 Will Karr H S 50.00 20....
[8 replies] Last: if you do not know answer, then do not spoil other peoples learning w... (by mbozzi)
I have a problem with a matrix program
Hi, i have a problem to solve this : Write two subprograms, one that determines the minimum element of a linear integer array and another that determines the ...
[4 replies] Last: it would be slightly less work to do your row min and feed the result ... (by jonnin)
Need help with the logic of break a vigenere cipher knowing a partial plaintext
for example, the encrypt code is "ARJHNRIUCGQHPFGQFHTXPDEHTLNOC", and the part that I ​know of the plaintext is "DERUNA". The key is unknow. The key is per...
[1 reply] : Forgetting code for the moment. How would you solve this using pen & p... (by seeplus)
by AKR
Checking if the Packet received is new
Hallo, I have a windows c++ application which communicates with the micro controller. It send a request for status and receives it every 500 m sec. The status p...
[1 reply] : It sounds like you have no choice but to fully interpret the informati... (by helios)
doing assignment need help
I am working on another assignment and got stuck with my duplicate on this one it uses Node and what I am trying to do is get the add list in the main that are ...
[2 replies] Last: all the duplicates would be nice sorry been studying for my electronic... (by icecody12)
by VoB
Understanding the difference between free and delete
Hi everyone. Reading "The C++ Programming Language", I've read that the basic difference between new/malloc and malloc/delete is that with the letters we d...
[11 replies] Last: But I can't figure out what exactly happened to those data after this... (by coder777)
Major 2021 projects using C++
Hi C++ programmers! I'm working on an article which outlines the most innovative and exciting C++ projects being worked on in 2021. The aim of the article is t...
[1 reply] : 44421 progra... (by salem c)
Write a C++ program that enters a integer number and use a stack to determine if the number is a Palindrome.
A palindrome number is a number that is same after reverse. For example 121, 34543, 343, 131, 48984 are the palindrome numbers. Write a C++ program that ente...
[3 replies] Last: I need help with this program. What help? The code in the first po... (by seeplus)
by cmisip
Faster way to assign values to Class variables?
Working on an arduino, I would like to be able to write the fastest code with the smallest memory foot print so I decided that it would be better to set the mem...
[9 replies] Last: You're right. An array would work better. In fact, I just realized t... (by cmisip)
How do i use unsigned long long array to calculate fib(100)?
Hi, I wrote the program to calculate the Fibonacci numbers. one of exercises is that to calculate 100th Fibonacci number, using int. but the problem occur...
[4 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <vector> #include <cm... (by lastchance)
hi could anyone help me with this please idk what to do:( A school has three house A,B and C. write a program to read a house and the points awarded for winn...
[3 replies] Last: I believe the OP is talking about a boarding school. A "house" is a do... (by dhayden)
Need help with assignment
I need help with the functions: is_duplicate and remove_all to work for my assignemt. Here is the code, been trying to get it to work for the past two hours. An...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you so much for the help! (by icecody12)
Trapezoid multiparameter function (1,2)
Hi, I have an assignment to deliver until next Monday. I wanted to use this function: F(x,y,d) = 1 / 2 * (1 / pow((d * d + (x - y) * (x - y)), 3 / 2) ...
[22 replies] Last: Tnx My code looks slightly different than yours, but tnx. (by zaahm18)
String problem
Hello, I'm trying to solve this problem: Singhal has two strings S and T consisting of lowercase English Letters. He wants to obtain string S lex...
[12 replies] Last: Any two elements of S can be swapped via a pair of swaps with a spare ... (by lastchance)
Prototyping methods in a class
At the top of my class definition I would like to include a private list of all the class methods so that they can easily have guaranteed access to each other. ...
[3 replies] Last: I would like to include a private list of all the class methods so th... (by dhayden)
Sorting linked list by name, id, grade
This is my node file and based on this I'm trying to write a sort function. #include "Node.h" #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you for answer, it really helps me. But I have curiosity about h... (by closed account GARovCM9)
Logic is escaping me
I cant pinpoint where im going wrong for the functions. Anyone experienced have a second to point out what im doing wrong? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ b.h cons...
[1 reply] : Please fix your compile-time errors first. They are self-explanatory. (by lastchance)
making an event-driven game
I want to make a structure of an event-driven game. Especially the parallelizing of the event loop and the game running I cannot master. Here is what I have ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you salem c, your example helped me a lot. With this I could pas... (by nuderobmonkey)
I don't know how to do. PLEASE HELP!!
PROBLEM: Techi Gadgets Account Program. (20 pts ) Write the Techi Gadgets Account Program. The program will read a text file containing the following accou...
[1 reply] : I don't know how to do Don't know how to do what? What have you don... (by seeplus)
April 2021 Pages: 1... 345678
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