General C++ Programming - April 2018 (Page 16)

RESTful API/C++restSDK question
I am trying to use THIS RESTful API: To do this, I am using THIS C++ SDK:...
[1 reply] : I solved this issue on my own after much digging :) Error was in this... (by chudley)
by Vinh11
C++ compiler error
My c++ source code keeps saying "expression preceding parenthesis of apparent call must have(pointer-to-) function type" I have no clue what is going on or how ...
[1 reply] : return area = sqrt(p(p-sideA)(p-sideB)(p-sideC)); <-------------error ... (by olfibits)
Malloc error - Something to do with the deconstructor
Design a class called Employee. Separate the declaration and methods definition file. The class should store the following employee information: name: employe...
[12 replies] Last: okayyyyy (by CoderParzival)
Why is nothing getting written to my file?
I'm supposed to read a text file of unsorted numbers, sort them, and then write them to an output file. But when I open the file that I wrote to, the only thing...
[3 replies] Last: @Computergeek01, the actual allocated array is based on a size read fr... (by tpb)
what type of variable we can change outsited the clas?
besides static, what variables we can change outside the class? (on Global Scope section)
[12 replies] Last: i must try more for try see how i can do it ;) thanks to all for all..... (by Cambalinho)
Reading (Files and Streams)
[4 replies] Last: Done Man.... (by dessh11)
Does anybody know why when I try to use the get_money, put_money functions in <iomanip>, It only displays the integer part of the value using cout? Even if I se...
[1 reply] : What sample code? (by Repeater)
Game : Dialog Box Text & Read Line Per Line
Hello I'm actually programming a game in c++ and SFML and I would like to know how to wright the text of dialog Box in my code (I'm french so I write original d...
[1 reply] : Have a look here. Someone had the same problem. http://www.cplusplus.c... (by Thomas1965)
[8 replies] Last: I don't have any comments on the code itself, but I have to link this ... (by Ganado)
Physics programming calculating percent of thrust from quaternion
I was wondering how to calculate thrust and its ratio in c++ using bullet physics for each thruster and save it in a array with the cardinal direction and amoun...
[2 replies] Last: quaternions work just like regular angles conceptually, its just a sto... (by jonnin)
What is wrong with my code?
Below is my code. The objective is to use a function that takes no arguments to ask how many employees are with a company, use a function that takes one argumen...
[4 replies] Last: I believe, if I am understanding your assignment right, this should be... (by chudley)
Need help troubleshooting resistor calculator c++
Hello World! I have written up a program that asks a user to input the four bands from a resistor, and it should determine the resistors value and tolerance ...
[1 reply] : The meaning of each band depends on the number of bands. See this th... (by mbozzi)
how can i use graphics.h?
heres an test code: #include <graphics.h> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { int gd = DETECT, gm; int x = 320, y = 240, radius; cha...
[5 replies] Last: now works fine... i have found these tutorial: (by Cambalinho)
Does template argument use runtime memory?
do template arguments use app memory? For example: template<int Size> class ArrayWithTemplate { int array ; }; class ArrayWithConstructor { int *arr...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you for response. It makes sense now. (by afedorov)
How To Control Cursor On Output Screen With KeyBoard And Mouse
so this is a code im writing, and i what i wish is that when i press a specific key a specific task is performed, i was doing perfectly fine until the mouse hit...
[no replies]
where is my wrong !
i want to set the name of shape and print it out, but it only show me It's name is : #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; class sha...
[3 replies] Last: If you mean cout << name; , yes, you *can* do that. But that then bec... (by Ganado)
Can You Fix My Code Please Scope Issues
I'm trying to make a random string generator but i keep getting the error that a variable wasn't declared in the function i used it in even though my variable w...
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <random> // #include <... (by JLBorges)
## The purpose of this program is to convert currencies as the following and also has some limitation for the input. It has to print error messages if the user ...
[no replies]
Moviestore class cpp
I cant understand how to implement movie and user classes inside the moviestore class, when i dont know how much movies and users are to be created?? i...
[no replies]
C++ Reading from files assignment
Hi, I have an assignment that asks to Write a program for a professor who wants to track the number of students who pass, fail, or do not take the final. The in...
[3 replies] Last: You need 3 vars to hold the count - like int pass_count, int fail_coun... (by Thomas1965)
April 2018 Pages: 1... 14151617
  Archived months: [mar2018] [may2018]

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