by Bespread
Chess program issues
[2 replies] Last: I have literally no idea how to put it up hear in the original format... (by Moschops)
by ashley21466
I cant figure out what i did wrong.. please help!!
[4 replies] Last: I only see one for statement in your code. What are the actual error ... (by MikeyBoy)
by bnez2400
C++ String Manipulating Problems
[1 reply] : Your code is far to complicated: Here is a simple demo: #include <io... (by Thomas1965)
by Dkob1
Getting error, plz help?
[14 replies] Last: oh, Thanks! (by Dkob1)
by aaronjohn2
[1 reply] : int main() { int num; double data; there are two uninitialized ... (by littlepig)
by chaselan14
Problem with Program
[3 replies] Last: you declare the var choice twice. And num1, num2, sum seem not to be i... (by littlepig)
by culichi
Please help!!
[2 replies] Last: I don't know what is your problem. I think you can format your code us... (by littlepig)
migrating c++ code from Solaris Studio 12.3 to 12.4 |
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for your response coder777, I believe you never used RWTValOrde... (by wolfycplusplus)
by glasses
Using /tmp in with C++ scripts
[3 replies] Last: It is not clear to me at all how to do any of this. For example, even ... (by glasses)
by stmaki16
Abort() Problem
[1 reply] : sorry, can't ... (by ne555)
by bishoposiris
How do I create a Library in Visual Studio 2015
[3 replies] Last: This worked once I figured out to add the path correctly. Thanks for ... (by bishoposiris)
by student6579
Help with sudoku checker
[1 reply] : for (int j = 0; j<0; j++) This will never be executed. (by Thomas1965)
by Peter87
Naming convention for headers that contain forward declarations
[6 replies] Last: cire, good point. EnumClass_fwd.h it is then. (by Peter87)
by mehrudin
the difference between p++, ++p, p-- and --p
[3 replies] Last: An example in which they make a difference is in this for loop. #inc... (by rabster)
by Abanoub 155
I need help with this project
[2 replies] Last: Students data of the same student are separated by comma User can ent... (by Abanoub 155)
by csstudent123
hard logic error in queue!
[2 replies] Last: Even commenting /*&& server.serverBusy==1*/ prints out similar values.... (by csstudent123)
by Rodr1697
Binary Search Tree for strings?
[1 reply] : Below is my header file #include<iostream> #include<cstdlib> #inc... (by Rodr1697)
Is this standards compliant? |
[5 replies] Last: Oh damn! I feel so stupid I can't believe I missed that. I'm going to ... (by ChemicalBliss)
by kgrl
[1 reply] : I need a help about OOP for matrix operations(multiplication,transpos... (by chicofeo)
by mehrudin
how to begin the programme
[1 reply] : Go through the problem sentence by sentence and see if you can sketch ... (by dhayden)