General C++ Programming - April 2013 (Page 13)

Converting Integer to a String based on digits
This problem is really simple. I want to convert the integer into a string. int x = 693; char chararr ; in my homework, x is unknown. but dont wo...
[2 replies] Last: eh.. sorry mate, I'm still a beginner. I don't know what "std::"s are ... (by karl kho)
by madhuj
generate a binary string based on Hex data
generate a binary ascii characters(weird character ) based on Hex:54313032202020303030 data in C++
[3 replies] Last: instead of sending the data to server as "101010101010101010101010" ... (by madhuj)
ارجو المساعده برنامج c++
لدي برنامج بلغه C++ اريد المساعده في حله وقد توصلت الى جزء من الحل السؤال : Write a program *****alen...
[1 reply] : You are either using C and getting rid of non-C headers, or writing in... (by MiiNiPaa)
by jizzah
read and store data
How can I store this data into an array? And I only can read the first integer.. 10.... How can I read the whole file Heres the data: 10 alice 4/23/1972...
[1 reply] : Ideas thougts assistance welcomed (by jizzah)
Access to UI elements from another class Qt-C++
Hello, I have a problem with accessing ui elements from another class(with instance). I have a second QMainWindow in my application, I can access in mainWindow...
[no replies]
i need help please for C++ programming
Hi everyone,i really need help for my assignment.Please help me, i need to hand in my assignment on this Sunday. This is my assignment required: The display...
[no replies]
Homework help please
The textfile babynames.txt, which is included in the books website, contains a list of the 1000 most popular baby names of boys and girls. Write a program tha...
[1 reply] : int main () (by SamuelAdams)
How to achieve higher precision?
Hello everyone. I am writing a program to calculate the Speed of an object according to Einstein's Special Relativity. The formula is really easy to implement...
[9 replies] Last: Nevermind, as TheIdeasMan said, 10 metres/second were too slow to make... (by PrydeRage)
Constructors cannot be called. Am I right?
Kindly give me any possible way to call constructor of a class.
[1 reply] : class Foo;//forward declaration Foo x = Foo();//Default constructor ... (by MiiNiPaa)
Novice in C++
Hi all, I am a novice in C++ and I have read the complet tutorial in your site (in addition to other tutorials on the basics of Qt). I am trying to understa...
[9 replies] Last: This site's C++ Tutorial doesn't mention initialization lists, and sho... (by Catfish4)
by Amazon
Multiple objects passed as reference to function
Essentially, the 'Sequence' below uses linked lists to store data. If 'result' refers to the same sequence as 'seq1' or 'seq2', I want 'result' to refer to a ne...
[4 replies] Last: I add: references cannot be redirected. They will point to the same me... (by MiiNiPaa)
Various optimization questions.
Hey guys, I'm looking to squeeze the last bits of performance out of my current project and resorting to minor optimizations to do so. 1) To speed up 2D tabl...
[4 replies] Last: I'm pretty sure this minor optimization did work, though. I keep track... (by Gaminic)
by Medino
I can't solve this (im new to programing), can you? Write a subroutine(a subprogram) that finds indexes of largest numbers in individual rows of some two-dim...
[1 reply] : I presume that your assignment is part of a programming course. Furthe... (by keskiverto)
by BillH
vs 2010 error message after running program successfully
Hi there. I have just begun trying to learn SFML 2.0 using VS2010. I have successfully completed first example program which just displays a green circle in a w...
[4 replies] Last: Just to update: I tried to use a different font and the program compil... (by BillH)
Class defining and storying integer arrays
Ok so I am currently stuck on what I should do next in a program I am working on. These are my instructions: Design, implement, and test a class for storing...
[1 reply] : void Safe::add ( Safe & one ) { for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { A ... (by writetonsharma)
typedef functions question
I know how to use typedef , but I don't understand the following piece of code: #include "std_lib_facilities.h" typedef double F(double); struct A { A() ...
[4 replies] Last: @benbalach What does it do? Where would you use a type-id for a funct... (by vlad from moscow)
Parsing bibtex authors
I am looking for a C++ class (or C function) that parses bibtex authors (of course a complete bibtex parser would also be good, but I can live without that). ...
[no replies]
DLL call sometimes works, sometimes crashes
Hi, I have a question about a dynamically loaded library I am using. I have called it SqlWrite, it is for connecting and writing to a Microsoft SQL server DB. I...
[3 replies] Last: did you fix the unicode settings? Have you used any casts? Where doe... (by kbw)
Unsure questions about C++
Just got into learning C++, I have some questions im not 100% sure about. I would appreciate any help on these matters: thanks!
[2 replies] Last: "pseudocode allows": the first answer is the only one that makes sense... (by GreyOwl)
Counting lines from a file!
Hello does anyone know how I would go about counting lines from a file at the same time as extracting words? I need to know the line number to output what line ...
[3 replies] Last: well I figured it out of anyone was interested(doubtedly) ... (by GreyOwl)
April 2013 Pages: 1... 1112131415... 53
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