General C++ Programming - April 2013 (Page 12)

how to limit the number of function call in C/C++
In my program, i have a function, example: bool open(string szString); this function i have known it's fix address, example: 0x12345678 Because of my computer...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks you, Could you please illustrate program memory when we call fu... (by ta tung)
8 Queens
Does anyone scout the problem with my Eight Queens solver? the output is this 10000000 00000010 01000000 00000100 00000001 00100000 00001000 0001...
[2 replies] Last: errr... this code is scary. if(placeQueen(*new Queen(0,x))) is a mas... (by Zaita)
Working with strings
Suppose we had a particular site is sending only random variables via url, but before sending Random sends an identifier known to another url. stringA-ptr ...
[no replies]
Converting cmdline tmain function into a library function.
I need to convert this code into a normal function that can be put into a library. Code: #include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <tchar.h> int _tma...
[1 reply] : Trying to make it work, not scanning properly. #include <windows.h> ... (by closed account 18hRX9L8)
random numbers.
hello everyone im just messsing around making a program, and ive stumbled upon a problem. bassicly i wanna no if i can make the program generate a different num...
[9 replies] Last: [quote=makeitloud]wow dude, i wish i could understand that, thats real... (by closed account 18hRX9L8)
Creating a BTree(Binary tree)
In class we were asked to create a C++ BTree program that would allow a user to input the following data types and then store said data in a .txt file: 0. ID ...
[4 replies] Last: This is what I have managed to rebuild: #include <iostream> #include... (by anash21)
Linked List Concatenation
Having trouble with concatenating a linked list.. Can anyone tell me why when I call the display function for the concatenated list, it loops endlessly? #in...
[5 replies] Last: That worked... template <typename T> void LList <T> :: concatenate (... (by jjroyale)
Binary file handling in c++. unexpected error! Please help
I was trying to read the data that i wrote to a binary file using structure. i used struct pointer to read the file but when i read through the file it is sh...
[no replies]
program code for autopilot helicopter
Hi anyone who can provide a souce code for autopilot helicopter. because i'm doing a project.
[4 replies] Last: "raw data in hexadecimal" Can't get more vague than that. (by Disch)
segmentation fault. please help!
segmentation fault. please help!
[4 replies] Last: Use another debugger than. What IDE are you using? It might have a bui... (by Zhuge)
Counting the number of each type of variable
I'm a basic C++ programmer, and I am stuck on this problem. You work for a company that collects a set of numbers. The numbers are located in a data file named ...
[1 reply] : How to count? For example, you throw dice. When you get 2 for the fir... (by keskiverto)
by Nobun
Binary Platform-independent. How to?
Well, after reading the topic "Force stream << >> to interpret as binary"I am trying to develop a BinaryStream class (for my fun, during free time). -> the topi...
[16 replies] Last: I don't know of C++ compilers for systems with non-8bit bytes, but C c... (by Cubbi)
Student Database: help with ifstream and ofstream operators
Hello, i've been working on a student data base that reads in the students name, birth date, social security, and department name (or major). I have all these i...
[3 replies] Last: this is how far ive gotten. #ifndef HW #define HW #include <iostrea... (by czhines)
Starter Programmer help please. I'm using RECURSION
The point of my code is to evaluate a mathematical expression that's already formed in a Binary Search Tree. : ((6+5)-3)*(2/1)=? I've read other forums and t...
[1 reply] : Pass them by reference or their addresses. In this way, you can do som... (by ingenioushax)
unsigned char print
Hi, how do I print an unsigned char in c++? e.g. unsigned char a = "acdef"; wprintf(L"a is %u\n", a); wcout << "a is " << a << endl; gives a is 288...
[6 replies] Last: aha, that works! thanks! :) (by hansaaa)
by piotr5
found a use in union ctors and dtors
template<int N=1> union slices { int k ; slices<N-1> tranche; slices(){k[N-1]=N;} }; template<> union slices<1> {int k ;struct{} tranche;}; slices...
[16 replies] Last: > unfortunately my compiler doesn't allow specifying an initializer >... (by JLBorges)
by Haze
Searching a text file
im have real trouble with this one, im trying to make a function that will take in a users ID and search a text file for that ID and if there is a match to prin...
[3 replies] Last: is the std::string c++ or something different? (by Haze)
A counter program using classes. I'm really desperate.
I've been sitting her for nearly four hours trying to figure this out... Please help, I'm on the verge of tears here. Alright, so here's the problem prompt t...
[no replies]
Linked List BubbleSort
Can anyone help..why isn't this bubble sort working? void LList :: bubbleSort (LList A, int n) { Node *temp; temp = Head; int hold; for (int pass =...
[6 replies] Last: If i comment out the line after the if statement that reads temp = ... (by jjroyale)
April 2013 Pages: 1... 1011121314... 53
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