1. Assume the definitions and initializations:

char c = 'T', d = 'S';
char *p1 = &c;
char *p2 = &d;
char *p3;

Assume further that the address of c is 6940, the address of d is 9772, and the address of e is 2224. What will be printed when the following statements are executed sequentially?

p3 = &d;
cout << "*p3 = " << *p3 << endl; // (1)

p3 = p1;
cout << "*p3 = " << *p3 // (2)
<< ", p3 = " << p3 << endl; // (3)

*p1 = *p2;
cout << "*p1 = " << *p1 // (4)
<< ", p1 = " << p1 << endl; // (5)

2. Consider the following statements:

int *p;
int i;
int k;
i = 42;
k = i;
p = &i;

After these statements, which of the following statements will change the value of i to 75?

* k = 75;
* *k = 75;
* p = 75;
* *p = 75;
* Two or more of the answers will change i to 75.

3. Explain the error.

char c = 'A';
double *p = &c;

4. Give the value of the left-hand side variable in each assignment statement. Assume the lines are executed sequentially. Assume the address of the blocks array is 4434.

int main()
char blocks[3] = {'A','B','C'};
char *ptr = &blocks[0];
char temp;

temp = blocks[0];
temp = *(blocks + 2);
temp = *(ptr + 1);
temp = *ptr;

ptr = blocks + 1;
temp = *ptr;
temp = *(ptr + 1);

ptr = blocks;
temp = *++ptr;
temp = ++*ptr;
temp = *ptr++;
temp = *ptr;

return 0;

For the following functions, use the pointer notation ONLY. Do NOT use the array index [] notation.

1. Write a piece of code which prints the characters in a cstring in a reverse order.

char s[10] = "abcde";
char* cptr;


2. Write a function countEven(int*, int) which receives an integer array and its size, and returns the number of even numbers in the array.
3. Write a function that returns a pointer to the maximum value of an array of double's. If the array is empty, return NULL.

double* maximum(double* a, int size);

4. Write a function myStrLen(char*) which returns the length of the parameter cstring. Write the function without using the C++ function strlen.
5. Write a function contains(char*, char) which returns true if the 1st parameter cstring contains the 2nd parameter char, or false otherwise.
6. Write a function revString(char*) which reverses the parameter cstring. The function returns nothing. You may use C++ string handling functions in <cstring> in the function if you wish.

int main()
char s[10] = "abcde";
revString(s); // call the function
return 0;

void revtString(char* ptr)
That looks like homework. Is there a problem?
These are a few of problems I gathered together that I could not do at all. I went through all of the forums and couldn't even get a start.
Does "all of the forums" include the tutorials?
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