I have to txt file that I want to read it and arrange the elements into several vectors. The txt file looks like:
type title year number
research abc de fg? 2005 254874
news bcd ef gh. 2008 269858
Each column is separated by Tabulator. I create 4 vectors to register elements of each column. However, if the element of first column is not string (like the second row, which is int), I need to put it in the vector of fourth column (number), and repeat the other elements of precedent row (here type, title and year of the first row).
I have following code:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
int main()
vector<string> type; // 1st column
vector<string> title; // 2nd column
vector<int> year; // 3rd column
vector<string> number; // 4th column
string x;
ifstream myfile("book1.txt"); // open the txt file
getline(cin, x); // take the 1st element of each row
if(static_cast<int>(x) != x) // if it is not int
type.push_back(*(type.end()-1)); // copy the precedent element
// how to switch to the second element of each row??
return 0;
My code has some problems. How to take each time one element of each row? How to take into account the change of line in the txt?...
Could anyone please help me to make it work? Thanks a lot!