My program crashes can anyone please help.

My program crashes as soon as it is run.
I am using windows 7 home premium,
IDE - Bloodshed dev c++

Design and implement a c++ class called "Module" that handles information regarding your assignmentsfor a specific module. Think of all the things you would want to do with such a class and write corresponding member functions for your Module class.

Write a main program that does the following:

*Declare an array of all your modules. The elements of the array must be of type Module.
*initialise the array with the modules you are registered for. Initialise each module with the assignment marks you have obtained for the module
*Determine your semester mark for each module; first assignment contributes 30% and second assignment contributes 70%
*Adjust the marks for assignment2 by +5%
*Determine your semester mark again.
*Display a list of your semester marks for all the modules

This is a question in my textbook.

I have not finished the entire program but I wanted to sort out the crashing problem before I continued, I think the remainder of my program should be quite easy to accomplish if I fix the crashing.

Any help r pointers are appreciated.

Oh and I have been doing c++ for about 4 months. It's my first language I am learning.

#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

class Module
//Initialize the private variables.

//output the module names to the screen
void output();

//Prompts the user to enter the modules they are taking.
void setModules();

//Sets the marks obtained per module
void setModuleMarks();

string subject[];
int total[];
int count;
int firstMark;
int secondMark;


int main()
Module modules;




return 0;


//Ideally create a loop to initialize these values
subject[0] = "";
subject[1] = "";
subject[2] = "";
subject[3] = "";

firstMark = 0;
secondMark = 0;

//Ideally create a loop to initialize these values
total[0] = 0;
total[1] = 0;
total[2] = 0;
total[3] = 0;

//Output the moudles stored in the array of subjects and array of total.
void Module::output()
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
cout << subject[i] << " " << total[i] << endl;

//Prompts the user to enter the data.
void Module::setModules()
string module = "";
count = 0;

cout << "Please enter your module or -1 to exit: " << endl;
cin >> module;

subject[count] = module;
} while ( module != "-1");

//Prompts the user to enter marks scored for the modules registered.
void Module::setModuleMarks()
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
cout << "Please enter the first mark obtained for module " << subject[i] << ": ";
cin >> firstMark;

cout << "\nPlease enter the second mark obtained for module " << subject[i] << ": ";
cin >> secondMark;

total[i] = ((firstMark * 30 / 100) + (secondMark * 70 / 100));
The problem is that you are creating zero-size arrays and then you try to access elements (that doesn't exist) in the array.
string subject[];
int total[];

In standard C++ zero-sized arrays are not allowed.
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