Hello! I notice that when I use Sleep(ms) from the <windows> library to delay a program, the fan does not start up on my computer, indicating that the cpu is working hard.
The loop below will execute once per second.
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#include <time.h>
#include <windows.h>
clock_t loop_start_tick;
bool quit = false;
loop_start_tick = clock();//get the start time of the loop
//main code goes here
if( (clock() - loop_start_tick) < CLOCKS_PER_SECOND ) //if loop was < 1 sec
Sleep(CLOCKS_PER_SEC - (clock()-loop_start_tick)); //then delay
However, with a function created using Just the time library, delaying by using an empty while loop:
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clock_t endwait; //will store a future value of ticks to end the while loop
if( (clock() - loop_start_tick) < CLOCKS_PER_SECOND ) //if loop was < 1 sec
endwait = clock() + (CLOCKS_PER_SEC - (clock()-loop_start_tick) );
while (clock() < endwait){} //wait
the CPU fan starts up when the program is run, indicating that an empty while loop is still using CPU resources.
Here are some questions, I would be delighted if you could answer.
#1-Is there a way to write a delay function which does not use the CPU while waiting?
#2-is there already such a function as part of the C language other than Sleep() in the windows library?
#3-How does the Sleep function avoid using CPU power?
Thank you for your time and efforts!