C++ Help about loop

I have a program which works but it will not continue or start over. After I input the first function it exit without starting over and over until I tell it to exit. Here is my program.


using namespace std;

int main()
ifstream inFile ("e:/Text1.txt", ios::in);
char sentence[80];

cerr<<"File Text1.txt could not be opened"<<endl;


cout<<"The file Text1.txt contains the following sentence:";

cout<<"Please enter a lowercase letter between (a-z):";
char letter;
cin>> letter;

char* ch_ptr;
int counter_letter = 0;
for (ch_ptr = sentence; *ch_ptr != '\0'; ++ch_ptr);

if (*ch_ptr==letter)

cout<< "The number of occurences of the letter " << letter << " is " << counter_letter << endl << endl;

return 0;

for (ch_ptr = sentence; *ch_ptr != '\0'; ++ch_ptr);

This line doesn't actually do anything because you ended the for() statement with a semicolon.

You probaby wanted:

for(ch_ptr = sentence; *ch_ptr != '\0'; ++ch_ptr)
  if (*ch_ptr==letter)
Seems like your path isn't correct for windows:


should probably be:


Notice the use of double [\\] as opposed to using [\] since [\] is an escape sequence character.

Also your use of [if (!inFile)] doesn't seem right to me.

You should rather test with one of the ifstream methods like:

[if (!inFile.good()) ...

The rest of your program looks fine to me.
iostream is the c++ equivalent to stdio.h and cstdlib is the c++ equivalent to stdlib.h. string.h is just string in c++. so you don't need the first two .h files and if you want proper syntax the third
using / in paths on windows works fine and makes the code more compatible with other systems.
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