DXGI Adapter RAM to String?

Feb 9, 2022 at 3:54pm
im trying to get dedicated VRAM as a string with DXGI from example:

I break it down to list me just entire adapter's VRAM.
for the case i have just one physical gpu,
i ... add all values togheter / by quantity of adapters
voila: dedicated gpu mem, theoretically

but i get in my string completly different values than the example
in the console print

Do i overthink this? I guess there is a shorter way to get a value of dedicated vram with this source as i did
Feb 9, 2022 at 4:41pm
Since we've no idea what you tried, how you printed it, what you saw, what you expected (etc etc), it's hard to know what you're thinking or over thinking.

Post your code, your actual results and what you expected.

Have you tried reaching out to the author of that git repo?
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