Error: "corrupted size vs. prev_size Aborted"

Oct 1, 2021 at 10:58pm
I am not sure what this error means, never got it before. I don't know why would I get this error when my code was running perfectly few days ago?

corrupted size vs. prev_size
Last edited on Oct 1, 2021 at 10:58pm
Oct 1, 2021 at 11:19pm
Oct 2, 2021 at 12:12am
Okay, I get it I guess. I ran valgrind as well since it seems that there could be either memory not being freed or something that's freed twice. Valgrind shows there's a memory leak at two functions specifically. The problem, I have freed everything there (that I can see) and checked for my arrays if I've written past them (again I don't see anything).
Oct 2, 2021 at 4:00am
Let me rephrase that. I stated something too specifically when I should have been more general.
You, directly or indirectly, wrote to memory you shouldn't have. There's multiple ways this might have happened. it might have been by literally writing beyond the end of an array, but there are other ways. A double free is another. Incorrectly using certain standard functions can also do that. Valgrind should help you to, tediously, find the culprit.
Oct 2, 2021 at 5:06am
> I don't know why would I get this error when my code was running perfectly few days ago?
Do you use git / mercurial / anything ?
You should be making at least daily commits to your local repo. Or better yet, after every edit/test cycle which improved the program in some way.

With a repo, you could have done a diff between what "worked" and what is broken.

With a repo, you could have checked out an older 'working' version, run it under valgrind to see if it was as good as you imagine it to be.

If you're doing any programming which is more than the single file throw away homework, it's the next essential tool right up there with the debugger.

Memory problems are insidious. It's all too easy for the first mistake to go unnoticed. By the time you actually notice, it could be a long time and a lot of changes. Worse still, where the problem shows up is often not where the real root cause is.

Valgrind is good for finding leaks in otherwise well behaved programs.

If you're looking for memory overruns and use-after-free problems, I'd suggest
Run the program linked with electric fence in the debugger.

Oh, and never equate "working" as "bug-free".
You only have to see the regular stream of patches for pretty much everything you use to understand this.
Oct 6, 2021 at 11:28pm
@salem c
Thanks for the suggestion! I started committing everything on a more daily basis to avoid these problems in the future.
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