Stick it between where you generate the list and where you print it.
AbstractionAnon made a typo: it should be
std::osrt(list.begin(), list.end());
don't do that.
(Unless, of course, your assignment specifically asks you to output the strings in alphabetical order.)
A few notes
output should not be a global object. Make it local just like
You never use the filenames outside of opening the files. You can make your code simpler and shorter with just:
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int main(int argc, char* argv[])
ArgumentManager am(argc, argv);
ifstream input(am.get("input"));
ofstream output(am.get("output"));
You should be returning zero from main. Non-zero values indicate that something went wrong.
If you are allowed, you can also get rid of that global
list by making it a reference argument to
permute. Then you can use it as a local variable as well (local to
main). For now, though, don't worry about that stuff.
Also, people will give you grief about
using namespace std. There are only a few places that is really ever reasonable. You should make it a habit now, early, to be clear about what namespace you are pulling things from:
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std::vector<std::string> list;
std::ifstream input(am.get("input"));
std::string str;
std::sort(list.begin(), list.end());
Then you can get rid of the 'evil' using namespace std clause.
Nicely done on the permutation!
Hope this helps.