Creating a Powerful AI

Pages: 123456
Oct 1, 2010 at 1:06am
or we could just give up, tell him he's dumb, and say FU to the project, fair enough...
Oct 1, 2010 at 2:04am
Well actually, there are somethings kind of similar to what he is trying to do.

From someone much smarter than me:

...This has inspired scientists to do things like this:
If we can get the to learn tasks why not use the same approach towards general intelligence?

Another really interesting (and perhaps frightening) piece of research that has happened:

Not that this really explains his intelligence, just felt like it was necessary to mention it wasn't really my findings. I know it's not really what your looking to do, but it's kind of similar. Regardless it's pretty awesome.
Last edited on Oct 1, 2010 at 2:06am
Oct 1, 2010 at 5:34pm
Ironically I was thinking along very similar lines when I was Viblicent's age (my "PC" at that time had a hexidecimal keypad, a DUAL DIGIT 7-segment LED 'monitor' and a whopping 1 KILObyte of RAM, yes, I'm old!). Even then I realized that in order to come close to generating a true AI I would have to build a device that could never be shut off without "killing" it. Plus, as soon as it started to generate its own 'mind', I would no longer understand what the hell it was really doing under the hood. Plus, it would have a voracious appetite for more and more memory. Talk about show-stoppers!

One of the REAL problems here is that human brain is analog. Neurons fire when many inputs to them reach a variable threshold. Creating neural networks is possible with current technology but not practically feasible on a brain-like scale. Scientific advancements will bring these things within reach sooner than we may expect so there's no reason not to start thinking through the concepts now. Perhaps soon, simulated neural nodes could run on millions of individual PCs controlled by a central processor (ala SETI or the human genome project). The system would never shut down but instead spend all its 'free time' generating a massive, multi-dimensional matrix of correlations defining Life, the Universe and Everything. Such a project would be both very fascinating and very scary.

BTW Viblicent, I wouldn't have called you pompous and puerile had I noticed you were only 15.
(That goes without saying for pretty much ALL teens these days. 8^)
Last edited on Oct 1, 2010 at 5:35pm
Oct 1, 2010 at 6:22pm
What did you use to program it?
Oct 1, 2010 at 8:25pm
Motorola's 6800 Assembly Language of course! I'd like to say those were the good 'ol days but it actually kind of sucked.

Now I'm so spoiled with Python and LabVIEW that even C++ seems too low-level sometimes.
Oct 1, 2010 at 9:25pm
Please stop it! Its making me annoyed; I've noticed that most of you haven't researched AI yourself, neither do you understand what I meant when I said "it will actually think", neither do you come up with wise responses that actually help me, and neither do you act mature.

You're calling me the 15 year old. I look at you and think, holy cow, these are adults?
Oct 1, 2010 at 9:55pm
What a whiner.
Oct 1, 2010 at 10:08pm
Indeed.. indeed.

(I know not exactly a "wise response")
Oct 2, 2010 at 12:20am
You can be upset as much as you want, but there's somethings you have to realize: as of now, not everything can be computed, and many people here, and people they are referencing, have devoted their lives to programming, and in some cases even AI, and have never succeeded to do what you want to do. Maybe try something smaller but does something similar.

I like programming with others actually, but with something like this, I am weary as I don't see this project ever getting finished. Have you actually coded anything?
Oct 2, 2010 at 3:29am
Oct 2, 2010 at 3:33am

Oct 2, 2010 at 7:39am
KILL THIS TOPIC NOW. It accomplishes NOTHING at this point, other than complete destruction of the OP's self esteem. From my point of view, you guys look like a pack of wolves tearing their prey apart!

Oct 2, 2010 at 7:37pm
Now I'm so spoiled with Python and LabVIEW that even C++ seems too low-level sometimes.

LabVIEW? *wince
Oct 4, 2010 at 2:08pm
You people are acting like ducks in a pond of lava. You have no clue what you're doing! Don't turn the gun on me, I've researched a fair amount, wheras the people who are saying it's impossible don't even know what's behind all of the thought and philosophy. That is why I nullified my response, after a full post was given which explained how you were acting. Now you are even worse. Adults suck. And the best response they can argue about against that is "You will become one yourself, smarty." But I don't think I'll become an adult. I think I'll become something different, like a frog, or a cactus. Now lets start talking C++.

So I'm at the school computer and before they kick me off I need to talk. I've began research in parsing as well, indeed. So I wanted to create a universal parser system. I'm working on a parser class and once I get home I'll be able to show it to you. At the moment, just keep your anticipation high. *smile*
Oct 4, 2010 at 4:11pm
Look, we're not just being assholes, we're being realistic. You come off, to me, as somewhat arrogant. Why don't you start smaller?

And I'm not an adult, I'm only slightly older than you if you're 15.
Oct 4, 2010 at 4:27pm
chrisname, I'm amused. You're saying with apparently no sarcasm that you lot are not being "assholes", to put it using your own term. Yet while it seems that at least you and helios kept cool, some others clearly were busting out the flamethrowers and troll suits (for their sake I leave their names untyped).

Admittedly Viblicent has little chance of doing it and he does come off as elitist (a poor trait at best when used out of turn such as here, might I add, and you'd be best to get rid of it), yet that's no reason to throw the probability at him. It's better if he experience it for himself without us interfering. For me at least, that's the best way of learning. If he fails, he will hopefully learn. If he manages, we will hopefully learn.

I say there is no need for elitism or belittling. If I see any further elitism or flaming from anyone in this thread (including you) I shall personally and without second thoughts or any raised emotions lecture them until they are blue in the face. Stating that you will work on your AI and that you think you can do it doesn't count. Good morning.

Last edited on Oct 4, 2010 at 4:46pm
Oct 4, 2010 at 4:37pm
I said, specifically, "we're not just being assholes, we're being realistic." Meaning that we (everyone who has taken up the "this won't work" position) are not being assholes for the sake of being assholes. I'm not saying I have or have not been flaming, mind.

Albatross wrote:
(a pathetic trait when used out of turn such as here, might I add)
Why would you add that? That seems like an irrelevant, pointless insult to me.

All I said was that he ought to start smaller.
Oct 4, 2010 at 4:42pm
Actually, sorry, but I can't help but get the feeling that at least one person did react too strongly negatively who took up the position of "this won't work". Admittedly he was being realistic, but at the same time... er... an "asshole". :\

About what was in the parenthesis, I changed it. While I do think elitism is a really bad trait to have (I've had some very poor experiences so maybe I'm a bit biased, but they were some really bad experiences), I did not intend for it to be a pointless insult and indeed it might have come across that way.

Last edited on Oct 4, 2010 at 4:44pm
Oct 4, 2010 at 4:45pm
Regardless, all my argument says is that he ought to try a smaller project, and build up to this one; learning to walk before learning to run, if you will. I see no cause for amusement.
Oct 4, 2010 at 4:49pm
On this point, I suppose I agree. After learning C++, starting with a smaller project (a basic XML parser), then maybe working upward (a lexer for one dialect of English) and then further upward (a parser for one dialect of English hooked up to a minimalist AI) would be a good idea.

Sorry, poor mood today.

Pages: 123456