Creating objects and downcasting them in the same line?

I am trying to create an object and downcast it in the same line.
But I am getting errors with Child *cp= dynamic_cast <Parent *> new Parent();

using namespace std;

class Parent
void Parent_display(){cout << "\n I am from Parent "<< endl;}


class Child:public Parent
void Child_display() {cout << "\n I am from Child \n";}

int main()

Child *cp= dynamic_cast <Parent *> new Parent(); // This will throw an error
cp->Parent_display(); //Both parent and child can be accessed

return 0;

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Of course it throws an error. A Parent is not a Child.

You would like to call cp->Child_display();
Look at:
class Parent
void Parent_display(){cout << "\n I am from Parent "<< endl;}

Does Parent have function Child_display()? No.

The dynamic_cast does not modify object. You can't cast a pointer to be Child* unless the pointed to object is a Child.

Furthermore, dynamic_cast <Parent *> new Parent() makes no sense. The new returns Parent*. You try to cast it into Parent* ? Useless no-op cast.

You can have Parent* p = new Child;
cannot have Child* p = new Parent;
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