This is a general question regarding image processing and object detection. I did a Google search for an answer but did not delve deep into the results since I wanted a binary answer.
Can the SIFT or SURF algorithm be implemented without OpenCV or is it solely dependent on it? I believe it is possible but I wanted an answer from someone who has deeper understanding and knowledge on the topic.
Thank you for the reply. I understand that OpenCV makes life much easier but for the project I am doing I am not allowed to use OpenCV. Strictly Nvidia CUDA C and traditional image processing methods.
I will look into other algorithms since the period required to implement this algorithm is beyond the time I have remaining.
Could you give me any advice on algorithms I could use which uses traditional image processing methods to implement object detection?
I am currently using Mathematical Morphology but I am having some issues since it doesn't grab the whole image but parts of it when the background has edge information.