But when I try to compile the code in my VS 2017 (once Outlook paths changed to mine) I get some errors in 'msoutl.tlh' file, autogenerated while compilation:
\msoutl.tlh(6015): error C3121: cannot change GUID for class 'Folder'
error C2556: 'AddressEntryPtr _AppointmentItem::GetOrganizer(void)': overloaded function differs only by return type from '_bstr_t _AppointmentItem::GetOrganizer(void)'
error C2371: '_AppointmentItem::GetOrganizer': redefinition; different basic types
Maybe I have something wrong in project configuration...
> Microsoft has provided the Outlook Object Model
Perhaps you could follow the same train of thought that led the original author to research how it was done in one language to making something work-a-like in C++.
It's up to you to carefully figure out which forum is best for any given question.
Just broadcasting your question makes it look like you don't care how much of other peoples free time and generosity you waste, and also make it look like you're trying to get an answer fast by posting all over the place.
Trust me, you don't want the regulars on any forum to start mentally tagging you as a serial cross-poster. You'll just get ignored.