C++ data structures

Problem Statement:

You have to implement a List Data Structure of student profile information records by using Array in C++ language. In which you have to create:

1. A structure (using struct keyword) named StudentProfie.
2. A class named ArrayList.


StudentProfile structure must have five variables of type string (string.h library) in it.
1. userid
2. userName
3. subject
4. degreeProgram
5. uniName

ArrayList should implement following data members and member functions:

Data Members Description
array[] Declare an array of type StudentProfile.
current Declare an integer variable used to store array index value we are currently working with.
listSize Declare an integer variable to store the size of the list.

Methods Description
add(X,?) Add student profile record in the array list at position in which we want to add it like 0,1,2,3,4,5… in the list.
e.g. arrList.add(studentProfile1,5) while arrList is an object of ArrayList class and position is 5.
find(X) Find particular student profile in the array list.
e.g. arrList.find(testStdProfile).
update(X,?) Update student profile record at a given position in the array list.
e.g. arrList.update(stdProfile1,2).
remove (?) Remove student profile record from the given position in the array list.
e.g. arrList.remove(1).
listLength() Return size of list. (Not array size)
e.g. arrList.listLength().
showList() Will show the list data as given in below screenshots (Detailed Output Screenshot).
e.g. arrList.showList().
cmpStdRec() Will compare two student profiles if they are same or not.
e.g. comStdRec(stdProfile1,stdProfile2).

(“X” denote StudentProfie Object means a student profile record while “?” denotes position where want to add a particular record in the array list.)

In the main() function you have to:

1. Create five object of type StudentProfie at first five positions and then add all of them in the array list by using add(X,?) method of ArrayList.
2. Then you have to find 4th student profile using find(X) method.
3. Update 4th student profile using update(X,?) method and set it same as 1st student profile record.
4. Remove 4th student profile using remove(X) method.
5. At last show the length of array list using listLength() method.
6. For first four steps you have to call showList() method to show list data after calling each function
Well you're going to have to post some effort showing you've made an attempt at solving the problem.

Just dumping your assignment and expecting free code won't work.

If you really don't understand, then go talk to your tutor.
Trying to "fake" knowledge only means you're further behind for your next homework.
how to start this code . i am finding it complex
Start with the data. Write the declarations for struct StudentProfile and class ArrayList. The descriptions in the assignment are very specific so you should be able to do this.

Tip: Copy the entire assignment into your source code and put // in front of each line to turn it into a comment. Move the comments around as needed so they comment your code. This will help ensure that you don't leave anything out by accident and it will help the prof see which parts of your code implement which parts of the assignment.

When you get stuck for more than an hour, post the code that you have and describe whatever has you stuck.
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