I need help

Enter in the number of sales items
Enter in the name of the sales item
Enter in the price of the sales item
Title for the output
The sales items names
The price of each sales items
The sales price total
The sales tax
The grand total
Money amount have 2 decimal point places
Money amount to be aligned
Boarder around the output
-----The user will have the ability to run this program again.

Please help
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Welcome. If you have a specific question, we'd love to help, but we aren't just going to write the whole program for you.

If you have no idea where to start, I suggest reading the site's tutorials along with a good book.

Enter in the number of sales items
Enter in the name of the sales item
Enter in the price of the sales item
See input and output tutorial:

-----The user will have the ability to run this program again.
See loops:

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