Each student now has 3 raw scores from 3 exams, and their corresponding weights for
grade are 30%, 30% and 40%. Your program need to convert these raw scores individually into curve
scores proportionally adjusted to the highest score in the class for every exam. Then, you would
calculate the total score based on the weight and curve score of each individual exam. Subsequently,
the total score is used to rank the student and determine their final letter grades by favorable grading
Your program needs to utilize the Standard Template Library (vector, sort, and iterators), so that you no
longer need to have the const maxClassSize for the array of Students. You would utilize the sort
algorithm instead of writing your own sort code. You also need to implement operator overload of
insertion operator < <with ostream and extraction operator >> with ifstream. Besides, your program
should be easily modified to accommodate different number of exams, for example, 5 exams instead of
3 (Use global const to define the number of exams)
, which suggests you're not meant to set the size of the vector. Accordingly, when you add Student objects to the vector, do it with the vector push_back function.