Hello, I recently added some code that creates a dynamically allocated, bi-dimensional array, fills it with relevant information and then pass one value of this 2d array to a function through a reference. Here the code:
If I run top while it's running, the memory consumption goes to the limit, while normally it only consumes a couple megabytes. I am certainly doing something very wrong that leads to a massive memory leak.
I have no intention of creating a double-linked list (and as far as my understanding of the matter goes, that is not what should be happening). Only a dynamic bi-dimentional array since number of lights and vertices is variable, given on a file.
So, any idea of what mess I am doing? Thanks for the help.
The doubly-linked list it's talking about is probably the one the memory allocator uses to keep track of memory. You are presumably accessing (writing?) out-of-bounds at some point.
It looks like you may not be allocating the array correctly. You allocate light_container.size() row pointers, but then you loop for n_triangles iterations to create all of the rows (which are each n_triangles in size). Should that loop be for light_container.size() instead?
You could simplify the allocation of your 2D array.
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// Allocate the row pointers.
Vec3f** dist_light = new Vec3f* [light_container.size()];
// Allocate the data as a single contiguous block.
dist_light[0] = new Vec3f [light_container.size() * n_triangles];
// Init the row pointers
for (int i = 1; i < light_container.size(); i++)
dist_light[i] = dist_light[i-1] + n_triangles
// Delete it like this:
delete [] dist_light[0];
delete [] dist_light;
Why plain arrays at all? The std::vector would manage its memory with less hassle.
Performance. Unfortunately the vector performance is not good enough. Way slower unfortunately.
Thanks for the explanation tpb. I changed the code to:
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for (unsignedint i=0; i<light_container.size(); i++) {
dist_light[i] = new Vec3f [n_triangles];
for (int j=0; j<n_triangles; j++)
dist_light [i][j] = light_container[i].pos - tri_arr[j].getVert11();
and the memory leak is gone.
Two questions? Do you believe the performance with your method can be superior to mine? I realize I only need one loop with your method. Unfortunately, there is another for loop between these two (and with a different size):
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for (unsignedint i=0; i<light_container.size(); i++) {
for (int j=0; j<n_triangles; j++)
if (tri_arr[j].generateShadows (....,dist_light[i][j],...))
But I am thinking about creating a copy of the function where all of this is in and then to get rid of the for loop in between these.