Accessing class member in 2d array

I have a vector declared as
std::vector<std::vector<std :: vector <chunk> > > chunks;
This works, and for the sake of initialising works fine. I can fill it out with no problems. However, within chunk I've defined x and y.
I try to access it using
I get a compiler error, "Class std::vector<chunk> has no member named x". However I can still use normal vector methods. How would I go about access the class members? Am I doing this entirely wrong??
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It is a 3d construct; provide all three dimensions. chunks[xlocation][ylocation][zlocation].x
You've shown a 3d vector but have only used two indices to access it. Either make it a 2d vector:
vector<vector<chunk>> chunks;
or use three indices
If you described what the data structure is supposed to represent and how you are using it, we could give you some advice on which is best.
Now I feel stupid that makes alot of sense, thanks heaps.
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