Time complexity O(nlogn)

Feb 24, 2018 at 2:05am
Which of the following sorting algorithms yield approximately the same worst-case
and average case running time behaviour in O(n log n)?

A)Bubble sort and selection sort
B)Heap sort and merge sort
C)Quick Sort and radix sort
D)Tree sort and median-of-3-quick sort

I think both option B and D are correct.Is it right?
Feb 24, 2018 at 2:41am

At least (B) is correct, because both heap sort and merge sort have O(n log(n)) average and worst case complexity.

I have never heard of tree sort, though.
According to wikipedia, worst case is O(n log n) when balanced, and O(n^2) when unbalanced. So I don't think enough information is given. I would check what your textbook specifically defines a tree sort as, to see whether they define it to be balanced or not.

However, Quicksort is O(n^2) in worst case, though, even though it's very rare for that to happen. So I would say it's only (B).
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