Some jobs require a variety of skills. If I am tested in an interview to write a TicTacToe program with some online website platform, how long should it take?
The program should support just sharing a keyboard. (There will be no AI computer player. There will be no TCP/IP networking for player 2.) The program will display the board with plain text with X's and O's. I'm curious how long it would take to get the program to compile and provide this basic functionality for a mid-level C++ programmer.
> If I am tested in an interview to write a TicTacToe program with some online website platform, how long should it take?
For a good interviewer, "how was it done" is more important than "how long did it take".
If I were the interviewer:
A good, readable, robust, maintainable solution (one that used idiomatic C++) that took three hours to write would be impressive. A working, but poorly written solution written in half an hour would be far less impressive.