A strange little icon on top border of forms. Code::Blocks

This is really a strange one, after numerous installs on Linux, this is a first for me.

Each application I create has this, on every form/frame when I run them.

A small box with Red Circle & Red Line through it.

See image here:

Any suggestions appreciated.

(Using CB 16.01 on Linux Mint.)
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What library are you using to create the windows? My guess is that your program is trying to set the window icon but fails, maybe because the file path is not valid.
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The only library listed in Project build options, under Project name, Linker settings tab, is under Other linker options, is 'wx-config--libs'.

Nothing listed under Debug or Release for Link Libraries or Other linker options.
Looks like you're using wxWidgets...

Do you call setIcon anywhere?

If you call setIcon make sure the icon has been loaded correctly and has the correct format. The docs says it should be either 16x16 or 32x32 pixels. To test if this is where the problem is you could remove the call to setIcon and see if it shows the default icon instead.
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Do you call setIcon anywhere?

I don't call setlcon anywhere, it shouldn't be included by default.

I can create a simple new wxwidgets GUI project, with no controls added, save, build, and run, and it will have the Red icon.
What is normally shown instead of that icon in other applications?

Maybe it's the window title that is missing?
I've been leaving Title blank.
With title text shown, the mystery icon is to the left of the centered title.

I have been using CodeBlocks for many years and have never seen this.
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I found a few other people that have this icon showing in certain places.


It appears to be the fallback icon that is shown when there is nothing else to show. If you go to preferences -> appearance -> theme -> customize -> window border (something like that) you will probably see that some have this icon and some don't. I don't know if this is on purpose or if the default icon is simply missing from some window border themes.
Thanks Peter.

Mint related, great point, this icon doesn't display using Ubuntu 16.04.

While trying to get into preferences -> appearance -> theme -> customize -> window border, I just observed this same icon on a Mint dialog window for 'Add/remove desktop themes'.

I can find no setting for window border, but this is a definite indication it is not related to Code::Blocks.

The fault icon does display only on windows not having their own icon located to the left of the title.

So I added an icon to my Code::Blocks test app wxFrame, that solved it.
My icon is displayed, not the fault icon.
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