2 part question: 1)what will the result be if a string(the input)of zeros and ones(01100101)are put through this filter(snippet of code) {i=ch-'0'}in words: i equals ch minus zero. the 1's and 0's are being fetched as characters by getchar. the way I interpret it is: in the ASCII chart char for 0 is 48 decimal an 1 is 49 decimal 2)how do I modify the filter(using ASCII) so that if the input is ab or $# or 01 it only recognizes 01. Im I thinking correctly, or should I be thinking about a print statement which states that the input is no valid. Perhaps I can create a filter which rejects anything from 33 decimal !
to 126 decimal ~ by adding or subtracting 48 decimal 0 or 49 decimal 1 so as to
close in on 0 and 1 from both sides. Your comments would be appreciated.
> how do I modify the filter(using ASCII) so that if the input is ab or $# or 01 it only recognizes 01.
> Perhaps I can create a filter ...
A filter that would silently discard anything other than '0' and '1' during formatted input would be a custom ctype facet that classifies all other characters as white space.
#include <iostream>
#include <locale>
#include <algorithm>
// classify everything other than '0' and '1'as white space
struct only_01 : std::ctype<char>
staticconst mask* custom_table()
// start with the table of the classic locale
static mask custom_tab[table_size] ;
std::copy( classic_table(), classic_table() + table_size, custom_tab );
for( auto& m : custom_tab ) m |= space ; // everything is space
custom_tab[ std::size_t('0') ] &= ~space ; // except '0'
custom_tab[ std::size_t('1') ] &= ~space ; // and '1'
return custom_tab ;
explicit only_01( std::size_t ref_cnt = 0 )
: ctype( custom_table(), false /* table was not allocated with new */, ref_cnt ) {}
struct wrapper
wrapper( std::istream& stm )
: stm(stm), old_loc( stm.imbue( std::locale( stm.getloc(), new only_01 ) ) ) {}
// note: the destructor of the last locale referencing the only_01 facet will delete
// the facet (ie. the facet will be deleted when it is no longer in use by any locale)
~wrapper() { stm.imbue(old_loc) ; }
// the wrapper is non-copyable, non-moveable, non-assignable
wrapper( const wrapper& ) = delete ;
wrapper( wrapper&& ) = delete ;
std::istream& stm ;
const std::locale old_loc ;
int main()
// std::cin treats everything accept '0' and '1' as white space within this block
only_01::wrapper wrap(std::cin) ;
// std::cin >> ch ; would ignore all characters except '0' and '1'
for( int i = 0 ; i < 5 ; ++i ) { char ch ; std::cin >> ch ; std::cout << ch ; }
// default input behaviour of std::cin is now restored
std::cout << "\n---------------------------\n" ;
for( int i = 0 ; i < 5 ; ++i ) { char ch ; std::cin >> ch ; std::cout << ch ; }
std::cout << '\n' ;